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Configuring Dynamic Document Assembly

Dynamic Document Assembly enables you to preconfigure filter rules that drive a sequence of prescribed dynamic clause or attachment insertions in a generated document. This results in a complete and well-formed agreement:

  • Clause insertions use a combination of contract field values to drive document assembly rules. These contract field values are expressed as a user-configured key that determine the desired agreement or proposal clause content during document generation.
  • Attachment insertions rely on configuration of document assembly rule components and operate at the line-item level. Document assembly component definitions refer to attachments on objects that are a lookup from the line item object. These component references and condition expressions defined in X-Author for Contracts determine attachment content during document generation.

Dynamic Document Assembly Rulesets are enabled for the Agreement and Quote/Proposal objects.


Support for the Agreement at the line-item level is only enabled for users of Conga CLMand X-Author for ContractsNovember 2016 release or later (versions 8.335 (CM) and 8.508 (XAC) respectively). Prior versions only support the Agreement object header level and clauses as dynamic components (not attachments). Support for the Proposal object at the Header (clause insertions) and line-item level (attachments) is only enabled for users of Apttus Proposal Management November 2016 release or later (versions 8.104 (PM) and the above-mentioned versions of the Conga CLM Product suite.

Filter rules are enabled through the Document Assembly Rulesets tab and X-Author for Contracts objects, for Rule Sets, Rules, and Components, which are maintained externally from templates. Rulesets can contain many rules, and each Rule can be applied to many Components, with each Component assigned to an attachment or clause template for insertion when the Rule filter values are found. Document Assembly Rulesets can be used in any template through the Insert Dynamic Sections option in X-Author for Contracts. These Dynamic Sections in the template are the link to the associated Ruleset, and therefore to the prescribed content.

The Template object can be configured to display Related Lists identifying where a clause template has been used as a Ruleset component, or where the Template contains assigned dynamic sections (either clause or attachment).


A note on Record Types: In the modeling of your system, it is recommended to make every effort to ensure that any Template Agreement Types that make use of dynamic segments also be included in the Document Assembly Ruleset object Record Types picklist. For example, if you have NDA templates that make use of dynamic segments, the "NDA" Agreement Type should be present in both the Template Object Agreement Types picklist and the Document Assembly Ruleset Record Types picklist. It is recommended to design your approach in this way, especially for Rulesets that do not make use of Document Assembly Rule filter criteria.