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Query Template

Using template filtering rules, you can set up user-defined filters to narrow the list of templates that display for tasks that involve previewing or generating documents. For example, for agreement templates created for multiple regions, you should only be able to select templates for the region to which they belong. The template filter uses agreement fields and related child object fields to select the templates to display.

User Permissions Needed

To create, edit or delete a query template:

Query Template: Read, Create, Edit, Delete

Agreement: Read

Template: Read


You cannot define more than 44 query templates. If you define more than 44 query templates, the Template Selection page that appears while generating documents does not display templates.

To insert an amendment template

You can insert an Amendment Template in the available choice of templates while generating an agreement in the state: In Amendment=In Amendment status.

  1. Create an Agreement type template to be used in amendment situations. Use any keyword in the keywords field. For example, Amendment.
  2. Using the Query Template tab, create a Query Template.
  3. The Query Template has two Related Lists: Qualifiers and Filters.
  4. Add a new Query Template Qualifier, provide the following information, and click Save.






    <provide an integer value here. The number 1 is used as an example. In case you are using more than one Filter, then the same will be applied according to the sequence number>



    <API name of the field in the specified object>

    Comparison Operator

    not equal to

    <select from the drop down list>



  5. Generate an agreement, which is in the state: In Amendment=In Amendment state.The desired Amendment template is displayed as one of the options along with other templates. For more information on setting up Template filtering rules, refer to To setup template filtering rules.

Use Case for Creating Query Template

This topic describes the use case for creating a query template.


Standard Statement

This use case gives one example on, by creating query template filtering rules, System Administrators can define which templates display when previewing, generating or re-generating documents. You might use this functionality differently, depending on your business case.

This use case describes how you can filter templates while previewing, generating or re-generating documents by using query template filtering. For example, if agreement templates are created for multiple regions, a user should only be able to select templates appropriate for the region they belong to.

In this case, a Sales Representative can select NDA English and NDA Spanish templates for generating or regenerating an agreement. The user has to manually select which template they want to use.

Creating Query Template

The Query Template will look for a match between fields on the Agreement and Template records. The Agreement record contains a Language field with the possible values of English or Spanish, while the Template record contains a similar Language field. By comparing and finding a match between the Language field values on the Agreement record and Template records, the Query Template will present the appropriate template for document generation.

To create a query template, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Query Templates tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. On the Query Template Edit screen, enter 1 as Sequence.
  4. Retain all other default values and Save.
  5. Click New Query Template Qualifier from the Qualifiers related list.
  6. Enter 1 as Sequence.
  7. Retain Agreement as Object.
  8. Type RecordType.Name for the Field value.
  9. Retain Comparison Operator as equal to.
  10. Type NDA-yourinitials in the value field. This must be an exact match to your record type label.
  11. Retain Apttus__APTS_Agreement_c in the SObject Type.
  12. Click Save. Click QT-#### (top right of page) to navigate back to your query template record.
  13. Click New Query Template Filter from the Filters related list.
  14. Enter 1 as Sequence.
  15. Type (or copy) Apttus__Language__c for the Field value.
  16. Retain Comparison Operator as equal to.
  17. Type (or copy) Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c.Language__c in the Value field.
  18. Click Save.
When a specific language is selected on the agreement record, the associated template is automatically used for document generation.
Similarly, you can create query template for other languages, to generate your agreement for a specific region.