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Configuring the Availability of Custom Buttons

In this topic, the configuration Upload Signed Document custom button is considered as an example. You can follow the same steps to configure other custom buttons.

By default, users can view the Upload Signed Document button after sending a document for signatures (manual or wet signatures). You can also make the Upload Signed Documents buttons available for different Statuses and Status Categories of agreements. If you configure a custom field, the configuration in the field is given priority over the default configuration.

To configure the availability of the upload signed document button

  1. Navigate to Object Manager > Agreement > Fields & Relationships.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select Data Type as Formula and click Next.
  4. Enter the Field Name as UploadSignedDocument_Custom2 and enter Field Label as Upload Signed Document Custom.
  5. Select Formula Return Type as Text and Click Next.
  6. In the Upload Signed Document (Text) field, enter the formula and click Next.


    IF(AND( ISPICKVAL(Apttus__Status_Category__c,"Request"), (ISPICKVAL(Apttus__Status__c,"Request") ) ), IF (OR ($User.UIThemeDisplayed == 'Theme4d', $User.UIThemeDisplayed == 'Theme4t', $User.UIThemeDisplayed == 'Theme4u') , HYPERLINK("/apex/Apttus__LightningOfflineDocumentImport?action=UploadSignedDocument&id=" &Id, IMAGE("/resource/Apttus__Button_UploadSignedDocument", "Upload Signed Document"),"_self" ) , HYPERLINK("/apex/Apttus__OfflineDocumentImport?action=UploadSignedDocument&id=" &Id, IMAGE("/resource/Apttus__Button_UploadSignedDocument", "Upload Signed Document"),"_self") ) ,NULL)
  7. According to your requirement, set Field-Level Security for Profile and click Next.
  8. Select the page layouts that should include the Upload Signed Document field and click Save.