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Configuring Meta Property Field Sets for Set Custom Value Rules

The "Set Custom Value" step input rule in the Wizard Designer allows you to set the value for special purpose custom fields to permit more conditional logic and date to be captured by the Wizard. These custom fields are added to the Wizard using a MetaProperty Fieldset on the Wizard Runtime Input object. While other rules created in the designer rely on the context object for the agreement or step (e.g., Agreement, Account, Quote/Proposal, etc.), meta properties can be considered and evaluated for any step in the Wizard design, determined specifically by implementation of the Set Custom Value input rule, allowing Wizards to capture additional information at runtime that can be used for a purpose beyond manipulating or using Salesforce data.Packages which use the wizard typically create the custom fields and implement them as these meta properties to be used by the Wizard objects. You can also manually add custom fields to the Meta Property Field Set.


Before you can configure the MetaPropertyFieldSet you must define custom fields on the Wizard Runtime Input object to add to the field set. In the steps below, two custom fields, Score (Score__c) and Weight (Weight__c) were created to be used as meta properties.

To configure Meta Properties

  1. Go to Setup > Create > Objects > Wizard Runtime Input.
  2. Hover over the Field Sets link and click Edit next to the MetaPropertyFieldSet record.
  3. Drag and drop the fields you want to use in the Wizard into the list below the field set pane. You can add the fields to the list in any order.

  4. After adding all fields to the Field Set, click Save in the MetaPropertyFieldSet pane.
    The custom fields in the Field Set are now available to Wizard Designers as Fields on the Set Custom Value Wizard Step Input Rule.


    Only one MetaPropertyFieldSet is available for all Wizard designs. Add as many meta properties as needed to the field set and use only the ones you want for specific input rules. All other fields will be ignored during wizard runtime.