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Configuring Wizards as Self-Service with Salesforce Sites and Communities

When you want to provide the ability for partners or other parties to run existing wizard designs created in your organization (or to create Wizards of their own), you must configure a method to make your runtime wizards externally facing. The Wizard Designer and Wizard Runtime pages are normally only available to users within your organization and for those who have proper permission extended to Wizard objects.

The choice between Salesforce Sites and Communities is mainly a question of how you want users to access Wizard functionality. Alternatively, you may want to create and design a Salesforce community and give specific users access to design and run Wizards while interacting with partners and other users. In either case, both options provide authentication solutions and permission sets which identify user access to Contract Wizard features.


With the Spring ’21 release, Salesforce has removed the View All, Modify All, edit, and delete permissions for guest users in all orgs. Hence, Conga CLM does not support guest user access. For more information, see Salesforce Documentation .

You can explore self-service options in the following sections. Click Next to learn how to set up a Salesforce Site to work with Wizards.