Agreement Document Output Formats
Documents are often set up to allow you the option of specifying a document output format upon generation. In some cases, you may want to restrict these options.
You can set up company-wide default formats to be used for generating documents, at User Profile and Agreement Type levels. Along with specifying the format, one can also indicate whether the end-user can override the default format. This is indicated by the Allow Override checkbox shown in the setup UI. Supported formats are DOC, DOCX, PDF, RTF, and PDF/A. If you select the Prompt option, you will be prompted to select a format at the time of document generation/preview.
To set up an agreement output format
You must have the Apttus Administrator profile.
Use Case for Setting Up Document Output Format
This topic describes the use case for setting up document output format. This use case gives one example on how to set up default document output format for publishing your agreement. You might use this functionality differently, depending on your business case. In this case, a System Administrator configures the default document output format settings which allow users to automatically generate an agreement in the desired output format. In addition, Allowable Output Formats option, allows users to select a different format if necessary.This use case describes how to set up default document output format which fulfills users’ specific needs.
You must have the System Administrator profile access permission.
To set up output formats for your agreement, perform the following steps:
Configuring PDF/A as a Document Output Format
You need to manually configure PDF/A as a document output format only if you upgrade to Summer '21 release or a later release. You need to add the PDF/A document output format in the Agreement Output Format object and the Allowable Output Formats field in the Agreement object.