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Configuring Agreement Term Exception

An exception clause or term is a stipulated condition in your agreement that may need approval from management, to grant or prevent certain allowances to or from a particular group of users in your agreement. Contract Management enables you to associate such exception clauses or terms to your agreement document as a separate agreement term exception record.

For example, if your customer requires certain extended payment terms for an agreement, other than what is mentioned in your agreement document, you can associate such exception clause to your agreement as a term exception, named Extended Payment Terms.

To insert Agreement term exception in your agreement document, you must configure the following:

  1. Creating an Admin Entry for Term Exception
  2. Creating a Term Exception
  3. Associating a Term Exception with a Clause

After you follow the above-mentioned procedures and generate an agreement document, the generated agreement document reflects the agreement term exception. You can also view the agreement term exceptions associated to your agreement record in the Agreement Term Exception related list. You can also associate an approval process (Term Exception Approval) with the term exception record if your exception clause or term has to be approved by a higher authority before being inserted in your agreement document. For more information, see Approvals .

Note: The approval process is triggered when you check-in a clause with a term exception associated to it.

Creating an Admin Entry for Term Exception

User Permissions Needed

To create a new admin entry or edit an existing entry:

Admin: Read, Create, Edit

  1. Click and search for Admin.
  2. Click New to create a new admin entry.
  3. In the Name field, type APTS_EnableTermExceptionsInAuthor and in the Value field, type True.
  4. Click Save.
You have created an admin entry to enable term exceptions for your records.
You must now create a term exception record to implement term exception in your documents.

Creating a Term Exception

User Permissions Needed

To create, edit an Agreement term exception:

Agreement Term Exception: Read, Create, Edit

Agreement: Read, Edit

  1. Click and search for Term Exceptions.
  2. Click New to create a term exception record.
  3. Enter details in one or more of the following fields, as required:



    Is Active

    This checkbox enables you to set the term exception record as active. By default, it is set to true.

    Exception Type

    None, Corporate, Other, Procurement, Sales. This indicates the type of exception record.

    Approval Required

    This checkbox indicates whether an approval process should be associated with this term exception record. By default, it is set to true.


    This textbox indicates the title for which this term exception record is created. For example, if your customer requires a different clause for payment terms, you may enter Extended Payment Terms in this field.

    Agreement Types

    This is a multi-select picklist field. Selecting different values from this picklist enables your term exception record for multiple agreement record types. You may have to navigate to Setup > Create > Objects > Term Exception > Agreement Types picklist and add new values like NDA, MSA, and more to map the Term Exception > Agreement Types with your Agreement > Record Types.


    Type a description for your term exception record to give a brief idea about the usage of this record.

  4. Click Save.
You have created a term exception record. You must associate your term exception record with a clause.

Associating a Term Exception with a Clause

  • You must ensure that you have an existing term exception record in your Salesforce org.
  • You must also ensure that you have a clause record checked in using X-Author for Contracts Templates in Microsoft Word.
  1. Click the Templates tab and navigate to your existing clause record.
  2. Look for the Term Exception look up field.
  3. Use the look-up icon to search for your term exception and select it. You can also associate the term exception with a clause when you check-in your clause from X-Author for Contracts Templates in Microsoft Word.
  4. Click Save.

You have associated a term exception record with a clause and can see the changes in the Sections/Clauses related list under your term exception record. You can insert this term exception clause in your existing template and use it further for agreement document generation.