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Creating a Public Folder

User Permissions Needed

To create, edit, or delete public document folders:

“Manage Public Documents”

To create, edit, and delete public email template folders:

“Manage Public Templates”

To create, edit, and delete public report folders:

“Manage Public Reports”

To create, edit, and delete public dashboard folders:

“Manage Dashboards” AND “View All Data”

  1. Go to the Reports tab.
  2. Click New Report Folder.
  3. Enter a Report Folder Label. For example, Record Retention Report.
  4. The Folder Unique Name is entered automatically when you type the folder label. If you have the Customize Application permission, enter a unique name to be used by the API and managed packages.
  5. Choose a Public Folder Access option. Select read/write if you want users to be able to change the folder contents. A read-only folder can be visible to users but they cannot change its contents.
  6. Select an unfiled report, dashboard, or template and click Add to store it in the new folder. Skip this step for document folders.
  7. Choose a folder visibility option.
  8. Choose Public Groups from the Search drop-down list.
    Note: When you share a folder with a group, managers of the group members have no access to the folder unless those managers are also members of the group.
  9. If the Available for Sharing list does not immediately display the desired value, enter search criteria and click Find.
  10. Select the desired value from the Available for Sharing list and click Add to move the value to the Shared To list.
  11. Click Save.
A folder is created.
You can create a new report using Report Builder.