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Running Agreement Hierarchy by Accounts Reports

To Run the Default Agreement by Accounts Report for One or More Accounts

  1. Navigate to Agreement Explorer tab.
  2. Click the Title link in the Saved Reports table marked as Default.
    The Agreement Search screen is displayed.No results are displayed initially because no account records have been chosen as context. All Filter Sets are displayed in the Search Settings and you can preview Field Sets by clicking Edit Fields
  3. Click the Account Lookup icon.
    A dialog opens displaying a list of all Accounts you have permission to view organized into a hierarchy of parent and child accounts by default.
  4. To view the accounts in alphabetical order click Sort by Name. This opens the account list in the alphabetical order. As soon as the alphabetically sorted list is displayed, the button toggles to Show Hierarchical.

    To view the accounts list again in hierarchical form, you can click Show Hierarchical.

    The Sort by Name and Show Hierarchical are toggle buttons.

  5. You can also search a particular account by entering the account name as search string in the Search For Account field.
    The account results displayed are sorted alphabetically by default.

  6. Select the check box next to one or more Accounts in the list and click Add Account Context(s).
  7. Click Go to run the report. The resulting list displays full agreement hierarchies organized by the account they are associated with, using the default Agreements by Account report settings and field sets. Records that do not match the filter settings for the report are grayed out (you can still click the links). Records which match the account record of context are highlighted in blue.

  8. You can take several actions from the resulting report list. See Using Agreement by Accounts Reports for a description of these actions.

To Run the Default Agreement by Account(s) Report for a Specific Account

  1. Do one of the following:
    1. Navigate to the Accounts tab. Search for or click the link to view a specific Account record.
      The Account record is displayed.(screenshot here)
    2. Navigate to the Agreements tab. Search for or click the link to view a specific Agreement record.
      The Agreement record is displayed.
  2. Click the View Agreement Hierarchy for Account button. The resulting list displays full agreement hierarchies associated with the account of context (either the Account record from 1a. or the Agreement Account from 1b). The report uses the default Agreements by Account report settings and fieldsets. Records which match the account record of context are highlighted in blue.

  3. You can take several actions from the resulting report list. See Using Agreement by Accounts Reports for a description of these actions.

To Run a Custom Agreement Hierarchy by Account(s) Report

From the Agreement Explorer tab, you can run Agreements by Account reports that you own or that have been saved as Public.

  1. Navigate to the Agreement Explorer tab.
  2. Click on a link in the Saved Reports table with Agreements by Account as context.
  3. Click on the Account Lookup icon.
    A dialog displays a list of all Accounts you have permission to view organized into a hierarchy of parent and child accounts.
  4. Select the check box next to one or more Accounts in the list and click Add Account Context(s).
  5. Click Go.
    The report listing the Agreement hierarchies organized by the Accounts chosen is displayed, filtered to match the report settings and fieldsets specified when the report was created or modified.
  6. You can take several actions from the resulting report list. See Using Agreement by Accounts Reports for a description of these actions.