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Running Agreement Search Reports

This feature lets you run the default agreement search report.

To run the default agreement search report

  1. Navigate to the Agreement Explorer tab.
  2. Click the Search Agreements button or the Title link in the Saved Reports table marked as Default. The report listing all Agreements records that match the default Agreement Search report settings (filters and fieldsets) is displayed.

  3. You can take several actions from the resulting report list. See Using Agreement Search Reports for a description of these actions.

To Run a Custom Saved Agreement Search Report

From the Agreement Explorer tab, you can run Agreement Search reports that you own (private) or that have been saved as Public (by you or others).

To run a Custom Saved Agreement Search Report
  1. Navigate to the Agreement Explorer tab.
  2. Click on a link in the Saved Reports table with the Agreement Search as context.
    The report listing all Agreement records that match the settings for that specific report is displayed.
  3. You can take several actions from the resulting report list. See Using Agreement Search Reports for a description of these actions.