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Logic Groups Basics

Conga Collaborate Logic Groups allows Administrators to build complex logic statements throughout the application to show or hide content. You can build rules that apply to an entire page, or a specific section of a page.

If you are using the previous version of Logic Groups, see Hiding or showing content in Sections and Pages: Logic Builder.

To setup a logic condition

  1. From your user dropdown, go to Administration and select Logic Groups.
  2. Click +Create.
  3. Select a display name. For example, value is greater than 5000.
  4. Select an attribute name. This value is used by the API to store the rule in the page. For example, value_gt_5000.
  5. Click Add Rule.
  6. Under Logic Rules, Click +Click here to select a field and select the variable you want to base the rule on in the Field Selector. For example, click on Document and under Field, select proposal_value.Only mapped CRM fields will be displayed in the tool. For instructions on mapping CRM fields, reference Using the Incoming Data Tool.
  7. Back under Logic Rules, select the operator values from the dropdown menus beneath the field you've chosen. For example, select Greater than and choose a value of 5000. You can click the evaluate variable value checkbox if you want the logic rules to compare a variable to another variable.
  8. Click Create. To enable a logic condition on a page in the Table of Contents:
  9. Open your document.
  10. In the Table of Contents, select the gear icon next to the page you want to edit.
  11. Select Edit Properties.
  12. Select Include Logic.
  13. Under Include Logic, select Show if or Hide If.
  14. Under Logic Group, select the name of the Logic Group you created.
  15. Click Save. To enable a logic condition on a page section in the Table of Contents:
  16. Open your document.
  17. Select the gear icon next to the section where you want to apply the condition.
  18. Select Edit Properties.
  19. Select Include Logic.
  20. Under Include Logic, select Show if or Hide If.
  21. Under Logic Group, select the name of the Logic Group you created.
  22. Click Save. To Insert a logic condition on a specific content within a page:
  23. Open your document.
  24. In the Insert dropdown menu, select Conditional Content.
  25. Select the gear icon that appears on the top right side of your conditional content block.
  26. Under Showing, select Show if or Hide if.
  27. Under Logic Group, select the name of the Logic Group you created.
  28. Click Save.