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A webhook is a user-defined callback over HTTP. You can use Conga Collaborate webhooks to notify your add-on or web application when certain events occur in Conga Collaborate. For example, you might want to alert your remote application when a document has been published or when a document has been accepted. Using a webhook to do this means that your remote application doesn’t have to periodically poll Conga Collaborate (via the REST APIs) to determine whether changes have occurred.

A webhook in Conga Collaborate is defined by the following information, which you need to provide when registering (i.e. creating) a new webhook:

  • the URL where the callback should be sent
  • the Content type, Conga Collaborate supports JSON, XML, and Form Encoded
  • the Trigger to post to the URL, for example, document.create would post to the URL whenever a new document is created

Keeping your systems in sync

Webhooks keep your application up to date as events are happening in Conga Collaborate so all of your systems can stay in sync; they:

  • Allow you to utilize the power of Conga Collaborate Document Generation while allowing your users to stay within your own system
  • Can trigger additional workflows or notifications to your internal team based on events happening within Conga Collaborate
  • Allow you to build a bi-directional application which was only previously possible with Conga Collaborate Owned 1st party integrations (Salesforce, MS Dynamics)

Registering a webhook

  1. Navigate to the Conga Collaborate administration console > User Dropdown > Administration > Webhook
  2. Click Add Webhook
  3. Enter the details for your new webhook in the form that is shown
  4. Click Save to register your webhook