Using iFrames to Embed Content
You may need to use iFrames to embed some forms of content into your Conga Collaborate documents. You can use iFrames with any secure link—and only a secure (HTTPS) link—so that we can keep all of your content secure.
Here’s how you do it:
- Copy the HTTPS URL of the content you want to embed.
- Place your cursor at the spot in your document where you want your embedded content to appear.
- Click Edit in your document’s editing toolbox.
- From the dropdown menu, choose Source Code.
- A pop-up Source Code window appears. Place your cursor before the first character in the HTML code, and hit Enter twice.
- Move back to the top line of the window and type: <iframe width="100%" height="500px" src="
- Copy/Paste HTTPS URL.
- After the HTTPS URL, type: ” /
- Click Ok.
- From your document’s Table of Contents, toggle the Preview switch to On. Your embedded content appears. If you decide to move the content, turn Preview to Off, and drag the iFrame to its new position.