You can add multiple price points in a price pipeline definition,
arrange them in a sequence to define the price pipeline, and map one price as net price.
Base Price and List Price are mandatory price points, and hence those will already be added
to every price pipeline by default. When the pricing engine is pricing a line item, it
calculates the per-unit amount associated with each price point and the gross amount
(amount incorporating the quantity and term) if the transaction is a quote or order. The
price point definition describes how it should be calculated and whether it is treated
specially (for example, identifying a particular price point as the Net Price point for
integration with downstream systems such as billing.)
Pricing administrators or CPQ administrators define price points and
configure price pipelines. The price pipeline definition is further used in the Price
Waterfall chart to determine whether certain features (such as manual adjustment to any
price point) are allowed to the end-user or not. For more information, refer toDefining Price Points .
To add a price pipeline:
On App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the Admin UI tab. The new admin console is launched.
Select Pricing > Manage Price Pipeline. The Manage Price Pipeline page is displayed.
Click New Price Pipeline and
update the following fields:
Field Name
Price Pipeline Name
Name of the price pipeline
The sequence allows you to determine the correct
price pipeline to apply if multiple price pipelines match the
criteria for a line item. The lowest matching sequence will have
the highest priority.
Is Active
Slide the slider to enable the price
Description of the price pipeline
Effective Date
Enter a date to associate an effective start
date with the price pipeline
Expiration Date
Enter a date to associate an effective end date
with the price pipeline
Pipeline Criteria
Define the criteria for the price pipeline. The
price pipeline is used based on the criteria defined by the user.
If the given criteria are not met for any line item, then the price
waterfall chart is not created.
Define the criteria for Line Items and Product
Attributes as follows.
For Line Items, click the icon > Line
Items > Add New Criteria > enter the desired Field (Select
the field that must be used for the adjustment), Operator, and
Value > Save.
For Product Attributes, click the icon >
Product Attributes > Add New Criteria > enter the desired
Field (Select the field that must be used for the adjustment),
Operator, and Value > Save.
Define Price Points:
Define price points as follows. The list price
and Base Price are set by default.
Click the text box in the name column and
select the desired price point from the list. If the price point
is not available, create a
new price point.
Is Modifiable: This allows you to modify
the price point on the Waterfall page. For example, If you
enable the Is Modifiable option for a price point such as Invoice Price, the sales
representative can only modify the Invoice Price of the product by adding manual adjustment
to it on the Price Waterfall chart.
Is this Net Price: This allows you to make
a price point as a net price. Move the slider to enable the
option. Any manual adjustments that the user performs on the
cart appear on the waterfall chart against this price point
(which is marked as the net price).
Click the '+' icon to add new price
Click Save.
You must set at least one Price Point as a Net Price.
To Modify a Price Pipeline
On App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the Admin UI tab. The new admin console is launched.
Select Pricing > Manage Price Pipeline.
Click the required Price Pipeline > Modify the details and click Save.
Configuring Price Waterfall to a Price Pipeline
After configuring the price pipeline, you must configure the price waterfall to a specific price pipeline.
To configure a price waterfall:
In the App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the Admin UI tab. The new admin console is launched.
Select Pricing > Manage Price Pipeline.
Click the required Price Pipeline > Click the WATERFALL SETUP tab.
Update the following details and click Save.
Name of the price waterfall.
Provide a description.
Allows you to set criteria for a line item rule or a bundle, depending on the Application level you have selected, such that the ruleset only applies when it satisfies a line-level field value or a product attribute value. Click the icon to fill in your criteria.
Price Point Restriction
Set the visibility restriction on price points. This option allows you to control the visibility of price points for the user.
Cart Line Items Field
Click the text box in the name column and select the desired Line Item field from the list.
Is Editable: This enables you to modify the price point on the Waterfall page. For example, if you enable this option for the cart line item Quantity, then the sales representative can modify the quantity of the product on the waterfall chart and apply it to the price. Move the slider to enable the Is Editable option.