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Configuring Visualforce Page for Price Waterfall Section

You can embed a custom Visualforce (VF) page on the waterfall screen in Salesforce to display additional data related to line items and enable further customization based on your requirements.

To create a visualforce page

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Code > Visualforce Pages and click New.
  2. Enter Label and Description for the visualforce page. Name will be auto populated once you enter the Label.
  3. Create Visualforce Markup for the price waterfall screen. Example:
    <apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" StandardController="Apttus_Config2__LineItem__c" extensions="CustomWaterfallController">
      <h1>LineItemId :- {!lineItem.Id}</h1><br/>
      <h1>name:- {!lineItem.Name}</h1><br/>
      <h1>product :- {!lineItem.Apttus_Config2__ProductId__r.Name}</h1><br/>
      <h1>option :- {!lineItem.Apttus_Config2__OptionId__r.Name}</h1>
  4. Click Save.

To configure visualforce page in config system properties

  1. Go to Setup > Config System Properties and click Manage.
  2. Search System Properties and click Edit.
  3. In the Custom Waterfall Section field, enter the created Visualforce page name.
  4. Specify the section height to ensure the custom section displays properly on the waterfall page. For example, "Custom_Waterfall_Page?height=300".

    The default section height is 400.

  5. Click Save.