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To enable the tracker in Lightning Experience

  1. Go to Lightning Experience.
  2. Click the wrench icon (). Click Edit Page.
    Lightning App Builder page is displayed.
  3. From the Pages dropdown, select the Proposal or Agreement record page based on the page you want to enable the tracker for.
  4. Under the Components tab, find and expand the Custom - Managed list.
  5. Drag and drop the following components from the Custom - Managed list to the proposal record page:




    Add this component to the Proposal record page.


    Add this component to the Agreement record page.


    You must hover the cursor over the name and select the correct component as described below:

    • For Proposal record page: BannerRefreshView (Apttus_QPConfig).
    • For Agreement record page: BannerRefreshView (Apttus_CMConfig).
    • For Order record page: orderRefreshView (Apttus_Config2).

    Conga recommends placing the above components between the Highlights Panel and Path components.

  6. Click Save.

You can also translate or override the labels and messages in the progress bar based on your Locale and Language. For more information, see Managing Translation of Fields and Values in Different Language.