Installing CPQ Packages
Multiple packages must be installed to implement the complete CPQ solution. Packages for CPQ must be installed in the order indicated in the table in this section. You begin with the Conga base packages and then install the integration packages that enable the various products to function together.
You may not need to install all of the packages. For example, if your implementation does not use Advanced Approvals you do not need to install Conga Approvals or Conga Quote Approvals. Refer to the table in this section to learn which packages are required for standalone CPQ and which packages are required only when you are using other Conga products.
Conga recommends downloading and upgrading Conga packages in a Salesforce sandbox before installing them in your production environment. For information on installing and upgrading in a sandbox, please contact Conga Support before you install any packages.
The Conga Upgrade Program is an automated tool that upgrades packages available in your Salesforce org (Production or Sandbox) to the latest versions. In addition, It ensures all the Conga published managed packages are on the latest versions for the registered orgs. To register your org for upgrade program, see Registering for Conga Upgrade Program.
Install the packages in the following order.
The Conga Base Library provides a shared library of reusable components that other Conga packages may use. All CPQ and Contract Management customers must install this package in order to use Conga CPQ and Conga CLM products.
In addition, beginning in the Spring ’20 release, Conga is adding a User Experience Analysis component that collects product usage data. No action is required on your part and there is no impact to any existing product features, system functionality, or configured workflows. No personally identifiable information (PII), nor any other proprietary, confidential, or sensitive data will be collected.
Order | Package | Install Center tab to access the package | Required? | Install this package only if you also have... |
1 | Conga Base Library | Contract Management | Y | |
2 | Conga Contract Lifecycle Management | Contract Management | Y | |
3 | Conga Quote Management | CPQ | Y | |
4 | Conga Configuration & Pricing | CPQ | Y | |
5 | Conga Quote Configuration Integration | Integrations | Y | |
6 | Conga CPQ Api | CPQ | Y | |
7 | Conga CLM Configuration Integration | Integrations | N | Contract Management |
8 | Conga Quote CLM Integration | Integrations | N | Contract Management |
9 | Conga Quote Asset Integration | Integrations | Y | Renewals |
10 | Conga CPQ Setup | CPQ | Y |
If you are using Advanced Approvals for Quote, you must install the following packages:
Order | Package | Install Center tab to access the package | Required? |
1 | Conga Approvals | Advanced Approvals | N |
2 | Conga CPQ Approvals | Advanced Approvals | N |
3 | Conga Quote Approvals | Advanced Approvals | N |
You can additionally install the following packages if you are using the Deal Maximizer:
Order | Package | Install Center tab to access the package | Required? |
1 | Conga Deal Maximizer Setup | Deal Maximizer | N |
2 | Conga Deal Maximizer | Deal Maximizer | N |
3 | Conga CPQ Maximizer | Deal Maximizer | N |
If you are using Adobe Sign to electronically sign any type of document associated with quotes, you must install the following packages:
Order | Package | Install Center tab to access the package | Required |
1 | Adobe Sign | NA | Y |
2 | Conga Quote EchoSign Integration | Echosign Integration | Y |
If you are trying to integrate and synchronize your CPQ data with the Conga Platform, you must install the following:
Order | Package | Install Center tab to access the package | Required |
1 | Conga CPQ (RLS) | Conga CPQ (RLS) | Y |
You must have Conga-provided login credentials to the Conga Community Portal to be able to download packages.
If, during installation, you see an “Approve Third-Party Access” prompt, please select the Yes, grant access to these third-party web sites check box and click Continue.
You must run the maintenance jobs after installing the CPQ packages. For more information, see Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks.