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Upgrading CPQ

This section provides information on upgrading CPQ to the latest version from the previous two releases.


Before you upgrade the CPQ packages in your org to the February '24 release, please note the following points:

  • If the CPQ package in your org is on any of the following releases, you must upgrade it to the Winter '20 patch (Winter20.02.26) before upgrading it to February '24 release:



    Spring '20 or earlier release

    Packages older than 12.0.1719 | 12.1719

    Summer '20 patch older than Summer20.02.26

    Packages older than 12.1.1787.99 | 12.1787.99

    Winter '20 patch older than Winter20.02.26

    Packages older than 12.2.1839.48 | 12.1839.48

  • If the CPQ package in your org is on any of the following releases, you can directly upgrade it to the February '24 release:



    Latest Summer '20 patch (Summer20.02.26 or later)

    12.0.1719 | 12.1719 or later

    Latest Winter '20 patch (Winter20.02.26 or later)

    12.2.1839.48 | 12.1839.48 or later

    Spring '21 and any Spring '21 patches

    13.0.1882 | 13.1882 or later

    Summer '21 and any Summer '21 patches

    13.1.1921 | 13.1921 or later

    December '21 and any December '21 patches

    13.2.1969 | 13.1969 or later

    May '22 and any May '22 patches

    14.0.1995 | 14.1995 or later

    September '22 and any September '22 patches

    14.1.2038 | 14.2038 or later

    February '23 and any February '23 patches

    15.0.2061 | 15.2061 or later

    June '23 and any June '23 patches

    15.1.2090 | 15.2090 or later

    October '23 and any October '23 patches

    15.2.2106 | 15.2106 or later