Conga Product Documentation

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Logging in to CPQ

  • You have installed all of the required CPQ module packages.
  • You have administrative privileges.
  • You have login credentials provided by Conga.

Log in to your org to access CPQ.

Note: Do not use the Back button on your browser when using CPQ.
To log in to CPQ
  1. Go to


    If your organization is using a sandbox or test environment to access CPQ (for example, if you are doing user acceptance testing), go to instead.

  2. From the toolbar at the top of the page, click Login.
    The login page opens.
  3. Enter your user name and password, and click Log in.
  4. Navigate to Conga Product Setup or Cona Pricing Setup to access the Product or Pricing setup tabs, respectively.
    • In Salesforce Classic: Click the App Menu ().
    • In Salesforce Lightning Experience: Click the App Launcher ().

Now you are ready to start configuring your products and pricing in CPQ.


For using Lightning Experience in your Salesforce org, you must enable My Domain in your organization. To know how to enable My Domain in your org, refer to the Salesforce Help page My Domain.