Auto Split on Accept
You can automate the order split on acceptance using one of the following criteria.
- Splitting the order on accepting using Global criteria: This splits the order on Quote acceptance, Agreement activation, or order acceptance based on the global criteria defined in the Order System Properties.
- Splitting the order on accepting using the selected workflow level criteria: This split the specific order on Quote acceptance, Agreement activation, or Order acceptance based on the selection of order lines defined in the order workflow rule criteria.
Splitting the order on accepting using global criteria
To split the order using global criteria:
- Create an Order Workflow Ruleset and Order Workflow Rule. Refer to Creating Order Workflows to Automate In-Flight Order Changes for step-by-step instructions.
- When creating an Order Workflow Ruleset, ensure that Record Updated is chosen as a Trigger Event.
- If the Order Workflow Rule Entry is not defined, the split order action is performed based on the Global criteria defined in the Custom settings > Order System Properties.
Usecase: Using Global criteria
Description: This use case describes how to create a Workflow Ruleset to handle the split order using global criteria.
A large manufacturing company that sells hardware and software products. Its backend process is handled in different fulfillment systems for the product lines. Sales representative quotes for 10 hardware items and 5 software items for one enterprise in a single quote. But, expecting to generate two individual orders for each Line of Business for fulfillment.
Creating the Order Workflow Ruleset
To create the Order Workflow Ruleset:
To create the Order Workflow Rule:
Splitting the order on accepting using the selected workflow level criteria
To split the order using select workflow level criteria:
- Create an Order Workflow Ruleset and Order Workflow Rule. Refer to Creating Order Workflows to Automate In-Flight Order Changes for step-by-step instructions.
Use Case: Splitting an order using the selected workflow level criteria
A large Hitech company sells perpetual licenses, software, and professional services. Their professional services deliverables are managed using a PSA tool. Sales representative quotes for 100 different licenses, 10 software, 3 professional services offerings in a single quote. On quote acceptance, the expectation is that the professional service items should carve out as a separate order for integration with the PSA system.
To create the Order Workflow Ruleset:
To create the Order Workflow Rule:
To create the Order Workflow Rule Entry and define criteria:
The "Split Rule" Order Workflow Ruleset is created.
The corresponding rule and rule entry is created. Criteria and inputs are specified to create a child order with professional service products. The license and software lines remain on the parent order.