Working With Customer Price Agreements
When business needs cannot be met by converting a quote or contract into a single order, you can use Order Management to create partial orders against a negotiated Price Agreement. In this case, when the quote is accepted or the contract is finalized, a Contract Price List is generated that is part of the Price Agreement. Users can then create partial orders to fulfill quantities at the negotiated price for product and service line items (on the quote or contract). Using Price Agreements, you can also track commitment compliance — how many line items were initially committed to the order initially versus how many have already been ordered or fulfilled — so that you can then take action based on that information.
Contract Price Lists are created from a quote or agreement where Intent = Price Agreement, Order, or None. You can then create partial orders from the line items stored in that Price List.
The Price List and Price List Item (PLI) objects store line item information from the quote or agreement in the following ways:
- For PLIs with the list price, the new net unit price is copied to the contract price field of the new PLI.
- For PLIs with matrix pricing (recurring), the matrix is copied from the original PLI to the new PLI.
- For PLIs with matrix pricing (usage), the matrix is copied from the usage price tiers of the line item to the new PLI.
When a partial order is generated, product attributes and related line information is copied from the source line item (quote or agreement) to the target line item:
- Quote to order: When attributes are present on the quote line items, the order is created from the quote, and CopyBundleConfigurationFromSource = true, the attributes are copied to the order line items.
- Agreement to order: When attributes are present on the agreement line items, the order is created from the agreement, and CopyBundleConfigurationFromSource = true, the attributes are copied to the order line items.
Creating partial orders from Price Agreements allows you to:
- Select one or more line items and the subset of quantity
- Select items from one or multiple quotes or contracts
- Track committed quantity and ordered quantity
- Track commitment compliance