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Understanding Order Status

Order and Order Line Item status work as a mechanism to integrate with downstream systems and processes including fulfillment systems, asset management, billing, and revenue recognition.


The majority of actions described in this topic that assign status to an order or order line items can also be executed using Order Service APIs. For information on how to use Order Service APIs, refer to the Conga Order Management for SOAP API Developers.

Order Header Status

The following table describes Order Status at the order level and the events and actions that assign status to an order.

Order Status


Event / Action


When an order is initially created, its default status is "Draft."

New Order

Creating a new order from the Order page or a related list will create the order in "Draft" status. Draft orders are work-in-progress orders and can be opened and edited without creating new versions.

Ensure that "Draft" is the default status when creating orders and order line items.

You can change the quantity of an order from the cart even when the order is in "Draft" status.

You can also clone an existing order to create a new order. For more information, see Cloning an Order.


When an order is confirmed by a customer but is pending for validation. Such orders and all the order line items have a "Pending" status.

Accept Order / Accept Quote / Activate Agreement

An order is confirmed when the Accept button is clicked on the Order or Quote record, or when an Agreement is Activated. Accepting an order will change the status of the order and order line items to "Pending" if Auto Activation is not enabled.

To generate orders in "Pending" status from quotes and agreements, ensure:

  • Auto Create Orders for quotes is set to "True"

    Go to Custom Settings > Proposal System Properties to apply this property.

  • Auto Create Order for agreements is set to "True"

    Go to Custom Settings > Comply System Properties to apply this property.

  • Auto Activate Order is set to "False"

You are allowed to cancel an order when it is in "Pending" status.

Undo Cancel Order

When you click Undo Cancel Order, the order reverts the new version to the previous version, which then displays "Pending" status.

In Fulfillment

The Order and Order Line Item status changes to "In Fulfillment" when order fulfillment begins. This means that one or more line items are in ('In Fulfillment') AND other line items are in “Pending” status

Send for Fulfillment

You can set the status to "In Fulfillment" when the Order and Order line items are exported to fulfillment systems to initiate the fulfillment process.

It indicates that the order has been released to the fulfillment systems and the fulfillment process has begun.

You are allowed to cancel an order when it is in "In Fulfillment" status.

Undo Cancel Order

When you click Undo Cancel Order, the order reverts the new version to the previous version, which then displays "In Fulfillment" status.

Partially Fulfilled

When one or more line items are in "Partially Fulfilled" status.


If one or more line items are IN ('Activated', 'Fulfilled') status AND one or more IN ('In Fulfillment' OR 'Pending') status.

Create Order Fulfillment Line ItemsYou can manage and track partial fulfillment for an order by creating order fulfillment line items against a given order line item. This updates the "Fulfilled Quantity" on the order line item level and also updates the status of the order line item to "Partially Fulfilled" or "Fulfilled" or "Activated."

Activate a Subset of Order Line Items

A subset of order line items can also be manually activated by setting the "Ready for Activation Date" field on the corresponding line items. When a subset of the order line items is activated, the overall order status is set to "Partially Fulfilled."

In Amendment

This status is set on an "In-Flight" order (in "Pending", "In Fulfillment", or "Partially Fulfilled" status) when changes have been made to the existing order.

This status represents work-in-progress changes to the order that have not yet been confirmed (similar to a "Draft" order).

Amend Order

Amending an order creates a new version of the order to make and track changes and a reference to the previous version. The previous version of the order and order line items are "Superseded," once the work-in-progress (In Amendment) changes are confirmed on "Accept" of the "In Amendment" order.

Amending an In-Flight order allows you to make the following changes:

  • Change the start date or end date of the subscription on one or more order line items that are in "Pending," "In Fulfillment," or "Partially Fulfilled" status.
  • Make subscription date changes on the standalone item, bundles, and multiple charge line items.
  • Cancel or add new line items, and change their quantities, pricing, and discounts.

The change in subscription start and/or end date will recalculate the price for the line item or bundle after the changes are applied.

The changes to the order line items are also reflected in the corresponding assets. When In-Flight Order Changes is enabled, assets are only created on activation of the order line item.


Any order configured directly or generated from a quote, agreement, or E-Commerce can be amended.

To change order line item quantities, the field "Is Quantity Modifiable" must be enabled at the line item level for product configuration.

Undo Amend Order

If you proceed with Undo Amend Order, it reverts the new version to the previous version, which then displays the status of the original order (for example, "Partially Fulfilled").

Being Amended

This status is set when an "In-Flight" order (in "Pending," "In Fulfillment," or "Partially Fulfilled" status) is in the process of being amended.

This status is assigned to the previous version of the order when an existing order version is in the process of being amended. This status represents that this version is being amended and, once the new changes are confirmed, this version will be superseded by the new order.



All line items in "Fulfilled" status


One or more line items are IN ('Fulfilled') status


One or more line items are IN ('Activated') status



The order fulfillment process is complete and ready for the initiation of additional related downstream processes (billing, revenue management, and so on).

Auto Activate Order

Orders can be automatically activated by configuring the Auto Activate Order setting, or by providing a "Ready for Activation Date" on the Order or Quote header before accepting the corresponding order or quote.

Activating All Order Line Items

If all Order Line Items are independently fulfilled and activated, the entire Order will be activated.


This status is set on the previous version of the order when the order version with the status "In Amendment" or "Pending Cancellation" is accepted.

Accept Order

When an order with the "In Amendment" or "Pending Cancellation" status is accepted, the previous version status is set to "Superseded."


This status is set when an order is canceled and accepted. Only orders in "Pending" or "In Fulfillment" status can be canceled.

You cannot "Undo Cancel Order" when an order has a "Cancelled" status.


Pending Cancellation

This status is set on the new version of the order that is created for cancellation. The status of the order and its line items is set to "Pending Cancellation."

Cancel Order

When you cancel an order, a new version is created for cancellation. This version is set to "Pending Cancellation" for both the order and its line items. To complete cancellation, click Accept. The status of the order is then set to "Cancelled."

The order line items also undergo versioning when you cancel or amend an order.

Being Cancelled

This status is set on the original order when an order is canceled. Line items remain in "Pending" status. When order cancellation is accepted, the original order status along with its order line items is changed to "Superseded."


Order Line Item Status

The following table describes each Order Status at the order line item level. The status of orders and order line items can differ based on the stage of the order fulfillment.

Order Line Status


Event / Action


The Order Line Item is initially created and the Order Status is "Draft."

Creating a New Order.


The Order is confirmed by a customer but is "Pending" for validation.

Accepting Quote/Order.

When you perform the following actions, the order line item status changes to "Pending:"

  • Undo Cancel Order
  • Undo Amend Order

In Fulfilment

The Order Line Item has been sent for fulfillment. This Status helps in tracking the fulfillment process at the Order Line Item level.

Sending/Releasing Order to Fulfillment systems.

Partially Fulfilled

The Fulfilled Quantity is less than the Delta Quantity and the value is greater than zero.

Tracking Fulfillment for each Order Line Item by creating a corresponding Order Fulfillment Line Item.

In Amendment

A change has been made to the Order Line Item.

  • Changes to order line items are also reflected in the corresponding assets.
  • When the "In-Flight" order change capability is enabled, assets are only created on activation of the order line item.
  • Amending an order creates a new version of the order to make and track changes and has reference to the previous version. The previous version of the order and order line items have their status changed to "Superseded," once the work-in-progress ("In Amendment") changes are confirmed on Accept of the "In Amendment order".

Being Amended

This status is set when an "In-Flight" order line item (order in "Pending," "In Fulfillment," or "Partially Fulfilled") is in the process of being amended.

This status is assigned to the previous version of the order line item when an existing order version is in the process of being amended. This status represents that this version is being amended and, once the new changes are confirmed, this version will be superseded by the new order line item.

Amend Order


This status is set on the previous version of the order when the order related to the "In Amendment" order version is accepted, or when an order with the "Pending Cancellation" status is accepted.

Accept Order

When the Accept action is used on an "In Amendment" or "Pending Cancellation" order, then the previous version is "Superseded."


If the Fulfilled Quantity on the Order Line Item is equal to the Delta Quantity.

For the following events/actions:

  • On fulfillment of all Order Line Items.
  • Directly updating the status of Order Line Item to "Fulfilled."


The Order Line Item's status is set to Activated in any of the following three scenarios:

Scenario 1: Line item activation is initiated once the order line item is "Fulfilled."Scenario 2: The Order is auto-activated.Scenario 3: The Order line item is manually activated.

When Order Line Items are activated, the system initiates the activation of the corresponding asset.

On Fulfillment of all Order Line Items.

Providing a value for the Ready for Activation Date field on the Order.

Pending Cancellation

This status is set when an order is canceled.

Cancel Order

Being Cancelled

This status is set when an "In-Flight" order line item (order in "Pending," "In Fulfillment," or "Partially Fulfilled") is in the process of being canceled.

This status is assigned to the previous version of the order line item when an existing order version is in the process of being canceled. This status represents that this version is being cancelled and, once the new changes are confirmed, this version will be superseded by the new order line item.

Cancel Order


This status is set when the canceled order is accepted.

Accept Order