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Creating Partial Orders from Price Agreements

Perform the following tasks to create a partial order from a Price Agreement (quote or agreement).

To create a partial order

  1. Click the Price Agreement Tab. The Price Agreements page is displayed.
  2. Search for and click the Proposal/Agreement ID. The Price Agreement Detail page is displayed. The Price Agreement Line Items tab is displayed under the price agreement summary. Each Price List item displays the start date, end date, the negotiated quantity, the remaining quantity to order, and the quantity to order.

    • You can add identifiable custom fields like Description, Shipping Instructions, PO Date, etc. on the Order List-1 UI. You can edit the data in these fields and the changes are carried over to order line items when the orders are placed. You must be careful not to add pricing fields like Net Price, and adjustment fields, and should not edit the fields which make pricing changes.
    • The Proposal ID or the Agreement Name is a clickable link on the Price Agreement Detail Page. On clicking, it navigates you to the actual record page of the Conga Proposal or Conga Agreement in Salesforce. For more information, see Links to redirect to Quote or Agreement
    • The columns in the Price Agreement Detail page display the full column name. This is true for both the Price Agreement Line Items and Order List-1 tabs. For more information, see Displaying Full Column Names
  3. You can use the Search Products to filter the list of line items.
  4. Enter the Qty to Order for a line item. After you enter any quantity, the Create Partial Order button is enabled.
  5. Click Create Partial Order. The Create Sales Order page is displayed.

    A spinner is displayed to indicate the ongoing process of partial order creation.

  6. Enter values in the fields displayed on the page to create the partial order. You must fill in all mandatory fields on the page to create the partial order successfully.
  7. Click Create Order. The Price Agreement Detail page is displayed. The Order List is displayed with the newly created partial order and any other partial orders made against this price agreement.
  8. Click the Home icon () to return to the Price Agreements page. If required, repeat this task to create another partial order.

Refer to the Order Management for Administrators for steps to configure which fields are displayed in the partial order form, price agreement list, and order list.

Rolling Up Order Line Item Information to Quote and Agreement Line Items

Prerequisite: Order Line Item must be linked to the Quote Line Item or Agreement Line Item.

Information is rolled up from the order line items to the quote or agreement line items when a partial order is created from the quote or agreement. For example: Whenever there is a change in the ordered line item for a given agreement line item, the Ordered Quantity is updated. If there is 1 ordered line item for a given agreement line item, the Ordered Quantity is 1. As per this feature:

  • Quantity from the order line item is rolled up to the ordered Quantity on the proposal line item.
  • Fulfilled quantity is rolled up from the order line item to the fulfilled quantity on the agreement line item when the fulfilled quantity is updated on the order line item
  • Fulfillment status is updated on the agreement line item when the fulfilled quantity is updated on the order line item as stated below:
    1. Fulfilled Quantity = 0: Not Fulfilled
    2. Fulfilled Quantity < Quantity and > 0: Partially Fulfilled
    3. Fulfilled Quantity > = Quantity: Fulfilled
  • Order line items in all statuses except (Cancelled, Superseded, Being Amended, Being Cancelled) are rolled up.