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To view object-level details for a sync operation

  1. Go to the Run History page.
  2. Locate and click the link to the corresponding Sync Id. The Details page is displayed.

    The Run History Details page displayed the following information.




    The object of the record or records that were synced.


    The type of the object (Simple or Complex).


    The status of the synced object:

    • Preparing: The object has data that has been pulled from Salesforce but is not yet synced.
    • Successful: One or more records were successfully synced.
    • No Change: No changes were made to records for that object.
    • Partial Success: The sync was successful, but some records failed to sync.
    • Failed: The sync failed for the object — check for error message(s).
    • Aborted: An error occurred fetching object data from Salesforce — the operation to sync this object was not run.
    • Skipped: Sync was skipped for this object. This status is only present for certain objects in initial sync.

    Records Sync Status

    Displays the number of records processed for that object out of the total number of object records (for example, "50/50" Processed).

    If there is any difference between the number of objects processed and the total number of objects, a Details link is displayed next to the Record Sync status.

    you can click the details link to display a Sync Record Details pop-up with the following details.

    • Datasync Record Details: To view the details of In-progress records.
    • Object Record Details: To view the details of object-level records.