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Retrying Data Sync

When an a sync fails or is partially successful, you have the option to retry the sync operation for each object that had one or more records fail to sync. After each retry, Run History is updated to reflect any additional records that were synced successfully.

To retry a failed sync

  1. Go to the Run History page.
  2. Find the sync that failed or was partially successful.
  3. Click the Sync Id to open the object details page.
  4. Click the check box next to an object in the list with the status 'Failed' or 'Partial Success'. Repeat for each object you want to retry. You can select all such objects in the list by clicking the check box to the left of the Object column in the header.
  5. From the Details page header, click Retry. The on-demand sync executes and all selected objects are updated to 'In Progress' status.

    You cannot retry a sync with status "Aborted".

  6. After the on-demand sync finishes, the Status field is updated for each object along with the number of records synced. If the sync retry is successful for all objects, the Status field on the Run History page is also updated.

    When you retry a failed sync, no new entry is created on the Run History page. The entry for the original sync is updated to reflect any changes.