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Creating an Alternate Clause

An alternate clause is a substitute for a standard clause. Every standard clause can have multiple alternate clauses. These alternate clauses can be replaced with a standard clause during the negotiation process. We can select a clause as an alternate clause during template creation.

To configure alternate clauses

  1. In Salesforce, click on Setup
  2. Click on Object Manager
  3. Search and select the Template object
  4. Click on Lightning Record Pages
  5. Click on the Template Record Page under the Label Column Header
  6. Click the Edit button
  7. Click on the Tabs section of the Lightning Page
    • The Related and Details Tabs should be present as well as any other custom tabs you created
    • The current configured tabs display on the left side of the screen
  8. Using the standard Salesforce configuration, click Add Tab
  9. Click on the tab and select the Custom option for the tab name
  10. Enter Alternate Clauses as the name of the tab
  11. Click on the Alternate Clauses tab you just created
  12. Enter "alternate" in the search box under the Component tab on the right
  13. Click on the alternateClauses component and drag it onto the Alternate Clauses tab
  14. Click Save
  15. Click Activate if you want to activate the tab now. If activating, choose Apttus Contract Management (Lightning) and the Master Record Type. Enable for the appropriate profiles including the System Administrator and the profile associated with the Template Administrator(s).
  16. Click on the Template tab in Conga CLM.
  17. Select a list view to display all clauses
  18. Confirm the component is visible with two buttons:
    • Select Alternates
    • Sort Alternates

    Users can sort the order of Alternate Clauses by clicking on the Sort Alternates tab and moving each clauses with the up and down arrow icons.

To create an alternate clause

  1. Open Microsoft Word and launch the add-in.
  2. Log in to X-Author for Contracts.
  3. In the Contracts pane, click the Home button () and select Templates.
  4. In the Templates pane, go to Start > Create New and enter the following details, (fields marked with an asterisk * are required fields)
  5. In creation menu screen, enter the name of the alternate clause.
  6. Accept the Business Object value: Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c
  7. Click on the down arrow to the right of the Agreement Types field and select all of the Agreement (Record) types you want this clause to be available for.
  8. Complete the remaining fields:
    • Category
    • Subcategory
    • Language (English)
    • Locale (English – United States)
    • Enter any keywords that will improve the search results or leave blank
    • The Next Revision Date will default to one year from the current date + 1
    • Enter a description
    • Enter Guidance. Guidance is help text that guides the user when to use this alternate clause. For example: "Use this clause if the other party does not accept our standard Net 60 Payment Terms."
  9. Check-in your new alternate clause.

    Field Name



    Enter the name of the template.


    Choose the template type as Clause. You cannot create an alternate clause if you select template type as Agreement, Proposal, Section, and Supporting Document.

    Business Object

    Choose the business object Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c.

    Alternate Clause

    Select the checkbox to create an alternate clause. This field is only displayed when you select Clause as type and Agreement (Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c) as business object.

    Agreement Types

    From the picklist, you can select multiple agreement types to associate with your template. The value of Agreement Types decides which templates are available at the time of agreement generation. If your template's agreement type matches with the agreement type of your agreement record, you will see that template in the list of available templates at the time of document generation.


    Choose the category from the picklist. Template categories are defined by the administrator, in Conga CLM. This field is usually used by template administrators to categorize templates created by them for easy access.


    The subcategory is a dependent field. Subcategories are populated-based on the value chosen for Category. The subcategories are defined by the administrator, in Conga CLM.


    Choose the default template language from the picklist. The default language for the template is English (US).


    Select the locale from the picklist. Locale allows you to define locale settings for number and currency precision, currency format, and date format. Locales can be system defaults or user-defined locales. You can configure custom locales in Contract Management. For more information, see Adding Custom Locale in CLM for Administrators.

    Enable Formatting

    Check this box to enable locale formatting at the template and field level for this template. This allows you to define locale settings for Currency, Number, and Date formats.

    Optional: Specify the following fields when "Enable Formatting" is selected to modify locale formatting.



    Date Format

    Select an option from the picklist to choose the default format for all date fields in the template.

    Currency Format

    Select an option from the picklist to choose the format for all currency fields in the template. Choose "None" to only display currency field values in generated documents.

    If "Currency Symbol" is selected, currency fields will be generated with no space between the symbol and field value. If "ISO" is selected, currency fields will be generated with a space between the ISO code and the field value.

    Number Precision

    Select a number from 0-9 to define the precision for Number/Percent field values in the template. This allows you to define the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal (e.g., "2" if the Number/Percent field should display two digits following the decimal point).

    Currency Precision

    Select a number from 0-9 to define the precision for currency field values in the template. This allows you to define the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal in currency value (e.g., "2" if the currency field should display two digits following the decimal point).


    Enter comma-separated keywords to associate with the template. Keywords make it easier to search the templates.

    Next Revision Date

    Select the date for the next revision of the template.


    Enter the description for the template. Maximum of 255 characters (an error will be thrown if this limit is exceeded). Using this field, you can provide a detailed description of the template.


    Enter guidance to help users determine the purpose of the template. There is a maximum of 255 characters.

Selecting an Alternate Clause

  1. The Alternate Clause is now available to be associated with a primary clause.
  2. Go to the Template Tab in CLM (Salesforce)
  3. View all Clauses
    • Alternate Clauses will have the Value = Alternate Clause
  4. Click on any Primary Clause that you want to associate with an Alternate Clause
  5. Click the Alternate Clause Tab
  6. Click the Select Alternates option
  7. Select one or any number of alternate clauses from the list of alternate clauses by checking the box on the left side of the alternate clause name.

    You can filter the list by entering any word in the alternate clause name in the search box component.

  8. Click Add
  9. The Alternate Clause is now associated with the primary clause and will be available for any agreement that is generated that includes the primary clause.

    After you create an Alternate Clause in X-Author for Contracts, the Clause Type field for the template object in CLM is set to "Alternate Clause".

    Note: Alternate clause functionality is only supported for FX2 framework format.

Using Alternate Clauses

An alternate clause can be inserted or swapped for any generated agreement document that contains the primary clause. All Alternate Clauses are visible and available from the Doc Clauses Tab under the Work Tab of the main Contracts Tab.

  1. Log in to X-Author for Contracts
  2. Click the Contracts tab
  3. Navigate to and check-out an agreement document you want to redline
  4. Click the Doc Clauses tab
  5. Search for your primary clauses first.
    The alternate clause icon of two split arrows displays if there is an alternate clause available for a primary clause.
  6. Click the three vertical dots beside the alternate clause icon
  7. Click the down arrow for any of the alternate clauses listed to view the clause text and guidance
  8. Click Replace to swap the standard clause with the alternate clause
    • Make sure your Microsoft Word Font is the same as the clause you want to insert or your font will override the style of the clause
  9. Click on the Doc Clause tab and verify that the alternate clause you selected is now in the current document clauses.