Conga Product Documentation

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Capturing Orders

Conga Orders are captured using a number of processes, usually depending on which sales channel the order is originating from. The table below describes at a high level what types of orders are generally tied to which type of sale channels. In some cases, a sales channel, such as direct sales, may capture orders using one or more different processes. The table below covers the most common use cases.

In all cases, orders are captured and stored in Salesforce as Order records. Product, service, and bundle data is stored in Orders as Order Line Items.

Sales Channel(s)

Order Management Process

Direct Sales, Partner Sales

  • Captures an order from a Quote/Proposal
  • Captures an order from an Agreement (Contract)
  • Creates a direct order for an Account (Order Management UI)

Customer Service Representatives (CSR), Telesales

  • Creates a direct order for an Account (OM UI)

E-Commerce, Partner Commerce

  • Creates an order using Order Management APIs
  • Creates an order from a Customer Purchase Order

Total Order Amount on the Order Header

At any time during the ordering process, the total amount of the order is calculated and displayed in the Order Amount field on the order header.

Order Amount = SUM(Net Price) from order line items based on the following conditions:

  • Any line item in "Cancelled" or "Pending Cancellation" status is not considered.
  • If an option or child bundle price is rolled up to the parent bundle, the system considers the parent bundle net price to avoid double-counting.

The order amount is recalculated whenever the net price on an order line item is updated or when the status of the order line item is changed (to any status other than "Cancelled" or "Pending Cancellation").