Conga is committed to providing the highest quality products and services to our customers. We understand that technology evolution allows our customers to establish and maintain competitive advantages, achieve operational efficiencies, and provide superior customer service.
With that in mind, we have set out below Conga Product’s End-of-Life (EOL) lifecycle milestones.
Retirement Timing
Apttus Intelligent Cloud on Dynamics
End of Feature Development - Summer ’19
Apttus Intelligent Cloud on Azure
End of Sale - Summer ’19
Apttus Intelligent Cloud on Azure
End of Feature Development - Spring '20
Apttus eSpline/SAP Connector
End of Sale - Summer ’19
Conga AI Analyze
End of Life - September'22
Conga Courier
End of Sale - Spring'21
Conga Courier
End of Life - May 1, 2022
On May 1, 2022, Conga Courier has been officially retired. It is no longer available for usage.