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Searching Agreement Documents

This feature allows you to use keywords, text, or agreement field names to search the agreement documents of type - Files that are in PDF, DOC, DOCX, and RTF formats. You can preview or download individual documents that match your search criteria. You can also select multiple agreement documents from search results and email them as a downloadable link to a group of users.

Contract Management uses:

You can enter a keyword in the search box and click Search to search across all the agreement documents in Contract Management. You can also use the basic search filters to narrow down the search results. You can use the operators (" ", AND, OR, AND NOT, and ( )) to search agreement documents. The following table provides an overview of various use cases for searching agreement documents and sample search queries with different operators.


Use case

Sample search query


Search for documents that have two words but in different locations.

Confidentiality Obligations

" "

Search for documents that have two consecutive words.

"Confidentiality Obligations"


Search for documents that have either Confidentiality or Obligations

Confidentiality OR Obligations


Search for documents that have both Confidentiality and Obligations

Confidentiality AND Obligations


Search for documents that have Confidentiality but not obligations

Confidentiality AND NOT Obligations

( )

Search for documents that have Confidentiality and either Obligations or Privacy

Confidentiality AND (Obligations OR Privacy)

The Salesforce document search is based on the fuzzy matching method. This means the search results are not exactly the same but similar to the search string. For example, if you search for the word Confidentiality, you will see the search results containing the words Confident, Confidential, and Confidentiality. You can click the expand icon below a search result to view the content snippet. The content snippet displays an excerpt from the agreement document that contains the text that exactly matches the search string. The first occurrence of the search string is highlighted in the content snippet. For example, if you search for the word Confidentiality, you will view the content snippet for the search results containing the word Confidentiality. If the search text is an agreement field or there is no exact match in the agreement, the content snippet is not displayed.

Salesforce Limitations

  • Global Search with the email address does not return RTF type files.
  • Document Search does not work when the content contains a period in the sentence.
  • The Owner, CreatedBy, and LastModifiedBy fields are not supported for lookups.

To search agreement documents

  1. Click the Agreement Document Search tab to open the Search Contract Documents page.
  2. Enter a keyword or text in the search box.

    You can use the APTS_DocumentSearchBasicFilters property to add or remove search filters according to your requirement. For more information, see Admin Entries.

  3. Click the Show Filter link to define search criteria.
  4. You can use the Basic Filters to define multiple search criteria.Basic filters include Agreement Number, Agreement Name, Owner ID, Status, Status Category, Agreement Start Date, Agreement End Date, Account, and Record Type.

    You can use the APTS_DocumentSearchBasicFilters property to add or remove search filters according to your requirement. For more information, see Admin Entries.

  5. Click Search to view a list of agreements and their document versions matching the search criteria that contain the keyword.

    The Search Contract Documents page displays a maximum of 1000 search results.

  6. (Optional) Click the agreement name or agreement number hyperlink to navigate to the Agreement Detail page.The Agreement Detail page opens in a new tab.
  7. Click the expand icon () to view the content snippet. In the content snippet, the first occurrence of the search text is highlighted and the corresponding page number to which the content snippet belongs. If the keyword is an agreement field, the content snippet is not displayed.
  8. Click the download icon to download an agreement document containing the keyword or text.
  9. Click the preview icon to view the keyword or text in an agreement document in the Document Viewer window.
  10. In the Document Viewer window, click to go to the previous instance of the keyword or click to go to the next instance of the keyword in the agreement document.
  11. Click Cancel to exit the Document Viewer window and return to the search results.
  12. Select multiple documents from the search results and click the email icon () to send a downloadable link to download multiple documents of multiple agreements through email. For more information, see Emailing Multiple Agreement Documents and Scheduling Expiration Date for Email Downloadable Link.