Searching Agreement Documents
This feature allows you to use keywords, text, or agreement field names to search the agreement documents of type - Files that are in PDF, DOC, DOCX, and RTF formats. You can preview or download individual documents that match your search criteria. You can also select multiple agreement documents from search results and email them as a downloadable link to a group of users.
Contract Management uses:
- Salesforce Document search to retrieve search results. For more information, see Salesforce Documentation .
- Find Query to retrieve the document matching the search results from the agreement attachment. For more information, see Salesforce Documentation .
You can enter a keyword in the search box and click Search to search across all the agreement documents in Contract Management. You can also use the basic search filters to narrow down the search results. You can use the operators (" ", AND, OR, AND NOT, and ( )) to search agreement documents. The following table provides an overview of various use cases for searching agreement documents and sample search queries with different operators.
Operator |
Use case |
Sample search query |
NA |
Search for documents that have two words but in different locations. |
Confidentiality Obligations |
" " |
Search for documents that have two consecutive words. |
"Confidentiality Obligations" |
OR |
Search for documents that have either Confidentiality or Obligations |
Confidentiality OR Obligations |
Search for documents that have both Confidentiality and Obligations |
Confidentiality AND Obligations |
Search for documents that have Confidentiality but not obligations |
Confidentiality AND NOT Obligations |
( ) |
Search for documents that have Confidentiality and either Obligations or Privacy |
Confidentiality AND (Obligations OR Privacy) |
The Salesforce document search is based on the fuzzy matching method. This means the search results are not exactly the same but similar to the search string. For example, if you search for the word Confidentiality, you will see the search results containing the words Confident, Confidential, and Confidentiality. You can click the expand icon below a search result to view the content snippet. The content snippet displays an excerpt from the agreement document that contains the text that exactly matches the search string. The first occurrence of the search string is highlighted in the content snippet. For example, if you search for the word Confidentiality, you will view the content snippet for the search results containing the word Confidentiality. If the search text is an agreement field or there is no exact match in the agreement, the content snippet is not displayed.
- You can view the content snippet and preview documents for documents less than 10 MB in size.
- You can search agreement documents that are less than 25 MB in size. For information on supported file sizes, see Supported File Sizes in Lightning and Supported File Sizes in Classic.
Salesforce Limitations
- Global Search with the email address does not return RTF type files.
- Document Search does not work when the content contains a period in the sentence.
- The Owner, CreatedBy, and LastModifiedBy fields are not supported for lookups.