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Setting Up an Ad Hoc Approval Process in Runtime

You can create and modify an ad hoc approval process in runtime. You can preview and save all approval requests with comments and attachments. You can also configure ad hoc approvers - parallel or sequential. Save and preview them all at the same time on the Preview Submit Approval page. You can preview and submit approvals for complex processes.

To configure ad hoc approvers from runtime

  1. From the Agreement or Quote record, click the Preview and Submit Approvals button.
    The Preview Submit Approval page appears.
  2. Click Create Adhoc Process. If you have a rule based approval process and want to switch to ad hoc approval process, on the confirmation pop-up dialog, click Yes.
    The Ad hoc Process Runtime page appears.
  3. In the Ad hoc Approval Group section, type a Group Name.
  4. From Assignees, select an Assignee Type.
    The available assignee types are:
    • User
    • Role
    • Queue
  5. Search and select an Assignee.
  6. To send email notification to the selected assignee, set the Send Email flag to true.
  7. To add more assignees to the group, click the Add icon next to Sequence.
  8. To add more groups, select the Add icon on the extreme right of the Assignee section.
  9. Click Save.
  10. To add process level comment, click Add Comment.
  11. To add attachment for the process, click Add Attachments.
  12. To submit all ad hoc approval request, from the Preview Submit Approval page, click Submit.
You can preview all these changes on the Preview Submit Approval page.