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Continue Pending Approvals on a Reject

This feature enables you to continue approval processes, even if an approver rejects the approval request. Previously, if a specific approval request resulted in a rejection, the entire process would halt.

This option is selected at the specific approval process level.

Before configuring Continue Pending Approvals on a Reject, learn the behavior of Continue Approval Policy on a Reject, as both settings are mutually dependent.

Continue Pending Approvals on a Reject Scenario

In a typical three-step approval process, where the third step is dependent on the previous two steps, rejecting an approval request doesn't negatively impact the remaining steps. In this instance, the approval process continues as if the initial approval request were approved.

Approval Step


Status (with Continue Pending Approvals setting selected)

Status (without Continue Pending Approvals Setting selected)

Sales Level 1

Deal Desk



Sales Level 2

Regional VP Sales



Executive sign-off (depends on previous two steps)

SVP Sales

Not Submitted


Approval Status record

Pending Approval


Use Case

There are four sub-process steps (A, B, C, and D), each with one approver only. Sub-process steps C and D depend on A and B.

When the process is submitted for approval, four requests are generated.
  1. If the first approver rejects (step A), the second approval request (step B) moves to the Assigned status, but the third and fourth requests move to the Canceled status.

  2. If the first approver approves (step A) and the second approval request (step B) is rejected, then the third and fourth requests move to the Canceled status.

Step dependency is honored when there is one approver in the sub-process.

To set Continue Pending Approvals on a Reject

  1. In an approval process, go to Step 3: Specify Consolidation Settings.
  2. Select Continue Pending Approvals on a Reject and save the approval process.

    By default, this option is not selected.

The following lists the effect of selecting or not selecting the Continue Pending Approval on a Reject option on approval requests.


  • A Rejected request status is rejected.
  • A request that is dependent on a rejected request enters the Canceled status.
  • Requests in the Assigned status remain in that status.
  • Requests in the Not Submitted status remain in that status.
  • The overall object record approval status continues to be Pending Approval.


  • A Rejected request status is rejected.
  • Rejection of any approval request cancels all other assigned requests.
  • Requests in the Not Submitted status remain in that status.
  • The overall object record approval status is Rejected.

Returning to the approval process later to change the option will impact new approval processes but will not change the behavior of in-flight processes.