Submitting a Request with Attachments
You can submit an object for approval along with an attachment. You can also submit processes with large numbers of auto-approve and notify-only requests. In the Approvals and My Approvals when you click Submit Approvals (with Attachments), a list of attachments appears. Select the attachment you want to submit with the approval request and proceed. The attachment is available in the Notes and Attachments section of the object.
You can choose attachments for child object records (out-of-the-box or a custom object) when sending for approval. For example: Consider a custom object as a parent object and Agreement as the child object. When you submit for approval, the attachments from the child object (in this example, Agreement) are also included for approval. This feature is based on the IncludeChildObjAttachmentsForSubmit__c custom setting in the ApprovalsCustomConfig custom setting.
To submit a request with an attachment, you must have created custom email notification templates and specified the name of each of the templates in the Approval Process or Custom Configuration of the object. You must also have specified custom templates for Assignment, Cancellation, Escalation, NotifyOnly, and Reassignment. If any of these templates is not created and specified, the Submit with Attachments feature does not work.
While submitting an approval request with attachments, ensure you adhere to the file size limits defined by Salesforce. For more information about file size limits, refer File Size Limits in Salesforce.
There are two ways to attach files with your approval requests; Notes and Attachments or Salesforce Files. By default, Notes and Attachments is used for attaching files to approval requests. To enable Salesforce Files, select Use Files Instead of Notes & Attachments from the Approvals Custom Config setting. When enabled, the approvals engine works with attachments from Salesforce Files attached or uploaded from the desktop for the context object instead of the Notes & Attachments related list.
You must enable or disable the Use Files Instead of Notes & Attachments custom setting independently for each object used for approvals.
If a custom setting for a context object is not found, the system defaults to working with files from the Notes & Attachments related list for the content object.
For example, if you are using Contract Management with approvals, enable the Use Files Instead of Notes & Attachments custom setting for Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c, Apttus__Agreement_Clause__c or other agreement related objects. For CPQ, enable the custom setting for Apttus_Config2__ProductConfiguration__c or quote proposal objects.
Submitting Version-Specific Agreement Attachments
For documents with Enable Document Versioning set to True and agreements with Version Aware set to True, you can select and send a specific version of agreement documents for approval. For information, see Enabling Contract Document Versioning.
When selecting an attachment to submit for approval, you can select the attachment from Document Versions along with Files or Notes and Attachments:
Version Aware |
Attachments | |
Files |
False |
All attachments are available for selection from Files. |
True |
If Show All Document Versions is set as False:
If Show All Document Versions is set as True:
| |
Notes and Attachments |
False |
All attachments are available for selection from Notes and Attachments. |
True |
If Show All Document Versions is set as False:
If Show All Document Versions is set as True:
To submit version-specific agreements for approvals
- Go to Custom Settings → Approvals Custom Config.
- Select Show all Document Version Details.
- Click Save.
All the versions of the agreement documents are now available when you select the agreement attachments to send for approval. Select the version that you want to send from the Document Version Related List and click Submit.
If you do not set Show all Document Version Details to True, only the latest version of the agreement attachment is available for you to select and send for approval.