To initiate an Invoice Run
Click the Invoice Run > New.
- Enter a unique name for this specific Invoice Run instance. A unique name enables you and others in your organization to track, report, and troubleshoot this batch job.
- Define a Filter Criteria to determine the scope of the Invoice Run. To define the filter criteria by selecting the Account, Account Location, Product, or the Billing Schedule object, a field from these objects, the operator, and the value for the field. Please refer, Defining Filter Criteria.
To define the processing options, enter values for the fields described in the
following table. Please refer, Processing Options to know more on this.
Invoice Override Template
Enter the name of the invoice template you want to use instead of the default.
Credit Memo Override Template
Enter the name of the credit memo template you want to use instead of the default.
Auto Approve Invoices
Select this check box to automatically approve the Invoice Run.
Split Invoices by Order
Select the check box to generate separate invoices for each order on the customer's account.
Suppress Invoices
Select onefromthe available modifiers and enter an amount.
- Less than
- Less than or Equal to
- Equal to
- To initiate an invoice run immediately or schedule later, select the Run Type Radio button from Scheduling Options. Please refer Scheduling Options to know more on this.
- Click Save.