To Split an Invoice
From the invoice detail page, click Split Invoice.
The Split Invoice page is displayed.
From the Split By drop-down, select one of the following options:
- Percent: Select this option if you want to split the invoice based on the percentage for each split invoice. For example, the total invoice amount of the source invoice is $100 and you want to split it into two invoices based on percentages of 60% and 40% respectively.
- Amount: Select this option if you want to split the invoice based on the amount for each split invoice. For example, the total invoice amount of the source invoice is $100 and you want to split it into two invoices based on amounts of $75 and $25 respectively.
- In the Number of Splits field, enter a value based on how many splits you want to create for the invoice.
- Select Auto Approve Split Invoices to auto-approve the split invoices on creation.
Uncheck the Generate Invoice Lines Summary checkbox if you do not want the split invoice to have an invoice line summary.
Generate Invoice Lines Summary checkbox is selected by default if the parent invoice has already an invoice line summary.
Under Split Invoice details, enter the following values:
Split Percentage or Split Amount: Select a split percentage of the split amount for each split invoice.Note:
In the case of Split Percentage, the last split invoice rounds off the remaining amount so that the sum of all split invoices' percentages is 100%.
- Invoice Date: Select a date and time for each split invoice.
- Payment Term: Select a payment term for each split invoice.
- Bill To: Select an account for each split invoice.
- Location: Select a location for each split Invoice.
Split Percentage or Split Amount: Select a split percentage of the split amount for each split invoice.
Click Split Invoice.
After the split is complete, a confirmation message is displayed.
Click OK. The source invoice with split invoices is displayed. You can see that the sum of total fee amount of all split invoices matches the total fee amount of the source invoice.
You can only split an approved invoice.