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Adding and Defining Action Panel

The Action Panel is a collection of agreement action buttons that can be enabled for the Agreement Record page in the Classic mode for community portals. The Action Panel is created as a Visualforce Page component and you can include it in your page layout from admin objects. Each button in the action panel can be customized to meet your design requirements. The buttons have a default image and you can also use a custom image for buttons.


Make sure that the required buttons are created. For more information, see Customizing Agreement Actions.

To add Action Panel from Salesforce Classic

  1. Click + and click Admin. All the out-of-the-box Admin entries are displayed on the Admin home page. Based on your organizations requirement, you may want to add or create new Admin entries.
  2. Click APTS_CustomLinksforActionPanel.
  3. In the Value field, enter the API names of required buttons separated by comma.
  4. Click Save.