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Creating Formula Fields for an Agreement Rule Criteria

You may use the Formula Fields tab to create relationship fields which may be used in the Agreement Rule conditions.

To create a formula field

  1. Click and click Formula Fields (Comply) and to create a new formula field, click New.

  2. Type a mandatory Field Name, and select a mandatory Business Object. For example, to create a new Formula Field for the Opportunity Stage field from the Agreement object using the Related Opportunity lookup, type Field Name = Opportunity Stage, and select Business Object = Agreement.
  3. Type a mandatory Formula, and type a Descriptionand click Save. For example: Formula = Apttus__Related_Opportunity__c.StageName.

  4. To create a new Formula Field for the Opportunity Type field from the Agreement object using the Related Opportunity lookup, type Field Name = Opportunity Type and Formula = Apttus__Related_Opportunity__c.Type.
  5. Click Save.

The Formula Fields are added and displayed in the Field list as a Related Field.