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Saving Agreement Data

The Is Transient feature ensures the safety of your agreement data against the following unexpected events:

  • Hardware failure. For example, network or system break-down.
  • Human error. For example, the user suddenly abandons the record creation process midway, without knowing the impact or consequence.

The above-mentioned cases could cause agreement data loss, resulting in time-consuming, costly, and long contract cycles making monitoring and managing agreements a challenge.

Is Transient feature keeps records in a transient state as a precautionary measure. This allows you to retain or retrieve your data at any stage in the contract life cycle until you save the data.

This field is displayed as a checkbox on the agreement record. By default, the Is Transient checkbox is selected, signifying the agreement data is safe and retainable until you explicitly save it.

Conga CLM application treats all such freshly created agreements as transient data and displays the Is Transient checkbox as selected. This helps you (System Administrator) easily identify, run a report, and delete all the transient agreements (or such agreements which are not explicitly saved).

This is the standard behavior of the application and a critical facet to the design, implementation, and usage of any system which stores, processes or retrieves data.

If this field is not displayed, you can add it by editing the page layout.