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Configuring Sites for a Specific Runtime Wizard

When you configure your site you have the option to choose any Visualforce page as the Active Site Home page. However, a case may exist in which you would prefer for the site to take the user directly to a runtime wizard, rather than giving the user the option to choose it from Wizard tab home page. In this case you will have to configure a URL Redirect for the site.

To set up a URL redirect:

  1. Go to the Site Details page.
  2. Click on URL Redirects.

  3. Enter the following to add a new redirect rule:
    • Source URL – This is the relative URL of the original source page. Enter "/" here.
    • Redirect Type – Choose "Permanent (301)."
    • Target URL – Enter "http://{siteurl}/apex/Apttus_wizard?wizardid={wizardid}" where {siteurl} is the actual site URL and {wizardid} is the ID of the desired runtime wizard. For example, if your Site URL is and the runtime Wizard id is a0p610000019mTIAAY, you would enter your target URL as

  4. Click Save.
  5. Select the rule you just created and click Activate to activate the URL redirect. Now when a user visits your site home page they will be redirected to begin the runtime wizard.