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Creating Steps from the Wizard Designer

Steps are used to designate the actions that occur when end-users use the Wizard. Steps use common elements, like actions and rules, to define the flow of your Wizard. Each step represents a screen in the wizard runtime.

If the step you want to use in a Wizard design does not exist in the Steps Library, you can create one and use it with your Wizard from the Wizard Designer. Steps created in this way can be saved for use in the current Wizard design only.

To create a new Step from a Wizard design

  1. From the Wizard Designer, click on New Step. (Note: Your Wizard design must have a Design name before you can create a new step.)

    The Step Settings form is displayed.

  2. Enter the following properties into the form:

    Step Setting


    Step Name

    Enter a name for your Step. This name can be internal but is used in the runtime banner when the user is interacting with the Wizard if Banner Statement (below) is not defined. Note: You cannot add any inputs to your step until you choose a Step Name

    Banner Statement

    Enter a Banner Statement to display at Wizard runtime when the user is interacting with the Wizard. If left blank, the Step Name will be used instead.


    Enter a description for your step which describes its intended use (for example, "Define business details in this step.")


    Enter a list of keywords which can be used to search for this step.


    Choose an option from a drop-down list of pre-defined Step Categories (define picklist values on the Wizard Step object).

    Sub Category

    Choose an option from a drop-down list of pre-defined Step Sub Categories (define picklist values on the Wizard Step object).

    Runtime Help Text

    Enter text to display when the user clicks the help icon at the top of the Step page.

    Context Type

    Define whether your Step will apply to All objects or a specific Object.

    Context Object

    Choose the specific context Object for your Step. This option is only available if you specified "Object" for Context Type. (e.g., "Agreement")

    Input Group Option

    Select an option from the drop-down list to choose how Inputs will be displayed in the Step (as groups):

    None – Select this option to display all Inputs for the step in the sequence listed in the Inputs pane.

    Repeatable – Select this option to allow the end-user to add multiple records for selected Inputs in list format. User can click the Add Item button to add additional values for the same group of Inputs (e.g., multiple Addresses).

    Table Layout – Select this option to allow the end-user to add multiple records for selected inputs in tabular format. User can click the Add Item button to add additional values for the same group of Inputs (e.g. Agreement Line Item Products, Quantity, List Price, etc.)

    Two Column Layout – Select this option to display selected inputs to the end-user in two columns.


    The Two Column Layout is only available in the Salesforce Lightning mode. You need to configure the Two Column Layout option. For more information, see Configuring Two Column Layout.

    Image Filename

    Filename of the image located in the Static Resource (defined in Wizard Settings) to display in this step to the right of the input controls. For information on setting up the Static Resource, refer to Configuring Wizard Settings.


    You can only add images to steps created within a specific Wizard design. You cannot add images to steps created from the Component Library.

  3. Drag-and-drop an Input from the Inputs Library to the Inputs pane. If you do not see your Input listed, use the type-ahead feature in the Search box to locate the Input you want to use.
    Tip: You cannot add inputs to a step unless the Step Name has been entered.
  4. You can take the following actions on Inputs you have added:

    Add more inputs from the Inputs Library in the sequence you want them to appear in the step.

    • Hover over an Input in the list and click Edit to edit the input settings for this step only.
    • Hover over an Input in the list and click Delete to remove an Input from the step.
    • Click and drag Inputs in the Inputs pane to reorder them.

  5. If you do not find the correct input in the library and need to create a new one to use in your step, see Creating Inputs from the Wizard Designer.
  6. To create rules which govern inputs for the current step, click on Input Rules (see Configuring Step Input Rules from the Wizard Designer).
  7. Click Save And Use in Wizard to save your changes or click Cancel to discard changes and return to the Wizard Design form.

Creating Inputs from the Wizard Designer

Input controls are the primary components of any wizard. They are the questions and instructions that you provide to the end users of your wizard. For example, you might create an input control that requires users to select picklist options, such as Business Function or Agreement Start and End dates. Input controls are reusable, so you can use them in as many steps as you want to.

If an Input you want to use in a step does not exist in the Inputs Library, you can create one and use it with your step. Inputs created in this way can be saved for use in the current Wizard design only.

To create a new Input from a Step

  1. From the Step Settings form, click New Input.

    The Input Settings page is displayed.

    Tip: You can mark the Add Attachment field in the Import Offline Document Object as required.
  2. Enter the following properties into the form:

    Input Setting


    Control Name

    Enter a name for your Input.


    Enter a question or instruction which the end user will see in the runtime wizard.


    Enter a description for the input which describes its intended use (for example, "Use this Wizard to create MSA Agreements for Acme."


    Enter a list of keywords which can be used to search for this Input.


    Choose an option from a drop-down list of pre-defined Input Categories (define picklist values on the Wizard Input Control object).

    Sub Category

    Choose an option from a drop-down list of pre-defined Input Sub Categories (define picklist values on the Wizard Input Control object).

    Runtime Help Text

    Enter text to display when the user hovers over the help icon next to the question/instruction.

    Runtime Input

    Determine how the end user can interact with this Input at wizard runtime:

    Allow Comments and Attachments – Select this check box to enable the end user to add comments and/or attachments in addition to the input control value. Comments are entered into a text area field and are limited to 500 characters. There is no limit to the number of files a user can attach. For an example of how this looks in the Wizard, see Running Wizards.


    How Comments and Attachments are used in the Wizard

    For any type of Wizard, all runtime comments and attachments are saved in the Wizard Runtime Input instance record under Notes & Attachments. You can make use of these comments and attachments through your own implementations.

    If you design a Wizard to create a record, comments and attachments are copied to the Notes & Attachments list only if the corresponding input uses an Object for the same object created by the record (e.g., Input defined as 'Field Class = Object Field,' 'Object = Agreement' when the Wizard creates as Agreement record). Notes containing comments are named after the Object Field for which they were entered (e.g., "Account Notes," or "Agreement Risk Rating Notes").

    Required – Select this check box if a value is required for the input. An end user will not be able to complete the current step without entering a value for this input.

    Read Only – Select this check box if you plan to have the input value set by Step Input rules in all cases. The end user will not be able to change the value of this input.

    Field Class

    The Field Class defines the type of response you expect for the input.
    • Wizard Input Field – Use this field class when you want the response to indirectly set other Wizard values. Wizard input fields values are only used to affect the value or state of other input controls using Step Input Rules. When you choose this field class, you must specify one of the following data types:
        • Checkbox
        • Date
        • Number
        • Picklist
        • Picklist Radio Button
        • Multi Picklist
        • Text
        • Text Area
      If you choose to make the Wizard Input field a Picklist type, you must also enter valid values to be used as input responses.
    • Object Field – Use this field class when you want the response to directly set a field value on the Salesforce object which is created from the Wizard (e.g., the "Agreement Start Date" field on the Agreement object). Use the drop-down list under Input Control to choose the Object Name, then choose the Field Name based on the object chosen.
  3. When you are finished creating your Input, click on the Preview tab to show how the input will appear at Wizard runtime.

  4. Click Input Settings to return to the Input form.
  5. Click Save and Use in Step to save your new Input or Cancel to discard changes and return to the Step Settings form.
    The new Input is added to the list displayed in the Inputs pane for your step.

Configuring Step Input Rules from the Wizard Designer

Step Input Rules allow you to configure rules and expressions for your Inputs at Wizard runtime. These rules apply to Inputs which are part of the same step, and generally trigger based on user interaction with the Wizard. Input rule types can be configured to:

  • Enable or Disable Inputs
  • Show or Hide Inputs
  • Determine the Focus Object of the Wizard (e.g., Agreement)
  • Determine the Record type for the focus object's record to be created (e.g., SOW, NDA, MSA, etc.)
  • Set the value of one input based on the value(s) of other inputs.
  • Set the value of a custom field based on the value(s) of inputs in the same step.
Tip: If you are creating a Wizard Design which will create an object record you must include at least one Determine Focus Object and one Determine Record Type rule for each object to be determined.

To configure Input Rules for a Step

  1. From the Step Settings form, click on the Input Rules tab.
    A graphic representation of the list of inputs for the step is displayed.

    Inputs are displayed in the sequence you defined in Step Settings. Each input is displayed on the page with each input rule listed below the name of the input.

  2. To create a new rule for an input, click on the icon next to an input name or hover over the list of rules and click New.
    A dialog is displayed for defining the input rule.

  3. Choose a rule type to use from the Rule drop-down list.

    Rule Type


    Determine Focus Object

    Use this rule to allow the user to determine the focus object for the runtime record to be created (e.g., Agreement object). Note: If this rule is used, there must also be a Determine Record Type rule used to create a record from the Wizard if record types have been defined for the object.

    Important: When using this rule, make sure to select the Rule Type before the Object to avoid configuration errors.

    Determine Record Type

    Use this rule to allow the user to determine the record type for the focus object's record to be created (e.g., SOW, MSA, NDA for Agreement). Note: If this rule is used, there must also be a Determine Focus Object rule used to create a record from the Wizard.

    Enable This Control

    Use this rule to allow the user to edit the field value for this input. This is the default setting for an input in a step. You can use this as a rule to conditionally enable the input if a previous input rule caused it to be disabled.

    Disable This Control

    Use this rule if you want to prevent the user from editing this input's value. You can use this rule to conditionally make an input read-only.

    Show This Control

    Use this rule to show the field value for this input at runtime. This is the default setting for an input in a step. You can use this rule to conditionally show the input if a previous input rule caused it to be hidden.

    Hide This Control

    Use this rule to hide the field value for this input at runtime. You can use this rule conditionally to allow different inputs to be exposed within a step based on previous responses in the step.

    Set This Control Value

    Use this rule to set the field value for this input based on the response values of one or more other inputs in the same step.


    When you set APTS_WizardPersistHiddenValue to true and you run a wizard containing a field that has a combination of Set this control value and Hide this control input rules, the field value is set in the object you are creating. For more information, see Admin Entries.

  4. To make your rule conditional, click Add Another Rule to add a condition to your rule type.

    Note: If you choose not to add conditions to your rule type, the Input rule you create will always trigger regardless of other rules in the step.
  5. Use the drop-down menus to build a condition expression:
    • Choose an input from the list of inputs in the current step
    • Choose an operator for the expression which is specific to the chosen input's data type
    • Choose a value for the expression which defines the condition

  6. Add more conditions as necessary to complete the rule. By default, all expressions use AND logic, meaning all conditions are required for the rule to execute. You can use the Advanced Expression field to change condition logic to OR, or create your own custom condition (for example, (1 OR 2) AND 3 if you want to make only 1 of the first 2 conditions required).

    Tip: There is no limit to the number of conditions you can create for a single input rule.
  7. Click Save to save your new input rule or Cancel to discard rule changes. The step inputs graphic changes to reflect the newly-created rule.

  8. From the Input Rules tab you can:
    • Click the icon to create another rule for an input.
    • Click Edit next to an existing input rule to make changes.
    • Click Delete next to an existing input rule to delete the rule.
    • Click Step Settings to return to the step and create or add more inputs or save the step.

Previewing Wizard Steps from the Wizard Designer

You can preview what a step will look like at runtime from Step Settings. To preview the step, click on the Step Preview tab. The page displays a preview of the step you are building:

The Step Preview renders a representation of the step in the Wizard at runtime. You can interact with the preview to an extent–it does not show or demonstrate any conditional input rules you have defined. For example, if you disable a control based on another input's value and choose that value, the input in question will not be disabled within the preview.

Tip: The Step Name will always be proceeded by a # symbol, which is a placeholder for the assigned step number at runtime (dependent on the sequence of steps in the Wizard).

You can also preview how the step will look when you choose an Input Group Option. Use the drop-down menu in the upper-right-hand corner of the preview page to switch between Input Group views. For example, the above preview rendered in a table layout would look as follows.

Warning: Note that if you change the Input Group Option in the Step Preview, the option gets changed on the Step Settings form as well. Save the step again after making more changes.

Configuring Two Column Layout

You need to configure the two-column layout to view the two-column layout as an option in Input Group Option in Salesforce Lightning.

To configure the Two Column Layout

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Wizard Step > Fields & Relationships > Input Group Option.
  2. In the Values section, click New.
  3. Enter Two Column Layout.
  4. Click Save.