Dynamic Document Assembly Elements
The following elements comprise Dynamic Document Assembly.
Doc Assembly Ruleset
Dynamic Document Assembly uses the Doc Assembly Ruleset as the container object for the functionality as shown in the following figure:
Doc Assembly Ruleset is the main object that contains all of the sub-objects and components required for document assembly. This object contains fields, such as Business Object and Record Types (A). These fields control which object record and which specific record types of that object can use the rules. There can be one or more Doc Assembly Rules (B) for each ruleset.
Doc Assembly Rules
Doc Assembly Rules contain all of the components including all of the content that will be included in the document:
- For Doc Assembly Rules at the Header-level, only components that reference clause content can be used. These rules fire based on contract field values identified in Doc Assembly Rule Field Sets.
- For Doc Assembly Rules at the Line-item level, attachments components can be used (along with clause components, if necessary). The rules fire automatically as long as component attachments can be found, and are further filtered by expressions defined in the template document.
Document Assembly Components
Each Doc Assembly Component contains a reference to a single template or clause that has been created in X-Author for Contracts. This provides the actual content that is inserted into the agreement document at generation time.
Each Doc Assembly Component contains a reference to one or more attachments (depending on the Component Type) on an object referenced by an Agreement Line Item or Proposal Line Item object record.