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Using Send through External Email Services with Conga Composer

Use the Send through External Email Services functionality with Conga Composer

Note: The actions in this article are only required if Send through External Email Services is enabled in your org. If it is not enabled, no action is required.

Salesforce offers optional functionality to send outbound emails from Gmail and Office 365 with the Send through External Email Services settings in Salesforce Setup.

Each Composer user must follow the steps below to authorize external email services and successfully send emails with Conga Composer. If Send through Gmail or Send through Office 365 is enabled and the external email service is not authorized, users see the following error message when sending an email from Composer.

Prerequisite for Authorizing External Email Service

The native Send Email Global Quick Action is required to authorize the external email service. Ensure that the Send Email Global Quick Action is added to the Opportunity Page Layout.

  1. As an admin, navigate to the Object Manager in Salesforce Setup and click Opportunity.
  2. Click Page Layouts and select the relevant Page Layout.
  3. Click Mobile & Lightning Actions.
  4. Select and drag Email into the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section of the Page Layout.

  5. Click Save.

Authorize Send through Gmail

Note: Users must use Salesforce Lightning to authorize the external email service. Each individual user must complete the steps below to authorize the external email service and successfully send emails from Conga Composer.
  1. As a user, navigate to an Opportunity record in Lightning.
  2. Under the Activity tab, click Email.
  3. Click Compose or click in the "Write an email" text box.
  4. Click Yes, Connect Gmail.

  5. Select a Gmail account.
  6. Click Allow.

Authorize Send through Office 365

Note: Users must use Salesforce Lightning to authorize the external email service. Each individual user must complete the steps below to authorize the external email service and successfully send emails from Conga Composer.
  1. As a user, navigate to an Opportunity record in Lightning.
  2. Under the Activity tab, click Email.
  3. Click Compose or click in the "Write an email" text box.
  4. Click Yes, Connect Office 365.

  5. Enter your Office 365 email and click Next.
  6. Follow the remaining prompted directions to complete the authorization.
    Note: These directions vary depending on your organization's Office 365 configuration.