Conga Product Documentation

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Account Overview

Click the single-person button in the left navbar to open the Account Overview.

From here, you can:

  • Access and edit your account profile information.
  • Manage your notifications.
  • Review your group affiliations.
  • Log out.

To access and edit your account profile

  1. Click the Account button in the left navbar ().
  2. Click My Account.
  3. Click the ACCOUNT tab.
  4. Click EDIT.
  5. Edit any fields that require modification. These include: Full Name, Title, Department, Password, Phone, City, Country, ​and ​Portal Homepage. Portal Homepage controls the screen you see when you log into the application. You cannot edit your own email address or the company name.
  6. Click SAVE,

Contract Event Email Notifications

Contract event emails are sent every Monday at 9am Pacific Time (independent of where a user is located).

Note: If you disable weekly emails you still will receive event notifications for contracts you own.

If one of the below contract events is coming up in the next 60 days, you will receive an email (if none are coming up in that time, you will not receive an email).

  • Set to auto-renew
  • Option to renew
  • Set to expire
  • Expired (retrospective)

The email's subject is: "Your upcoming contract events". The email reflects what you see on the Events page immediately after logging in: four items indicating the number of contracts for each mentioned event. You can enable/disable the notification option under your account setting as illustrated below. Email notification for contract events is enabled by default.

To manage email notifications

For more on the email notifications feature, see Notifications.

  1. Access your account as described in To access and edit your account profile.
  2. Click the EMAIL tab.
  3. Select (or deselect) the notifications you want to change.
  4. Click SAVE.

Review Group Affiliations

Groups affiliate you with others who are teamed on the same assignments or projects. Assigning user to groups is an admin-level task. As a non-admin user, you can neither assign yourself to or remove yourself from a group.

By clicking the Groups button () in the left navbar, you can review the names of the groups you belong to and the other members assigned to those groups.

You cannot review groups you do not belong to.

This feature is informative. There are no actions associated with it.

Log Out

Clicking the Logout button in the bottom of the left navbar () logs you out. There are no warnings: you are logged out immediately.