Comply System Properties
This custom setting holds the lists all the Comply system properties. You can enter one or more of the following property details.
Setting |
Description |
Admin User |
The admin user is the default owner of activities created by a user who is not allowed to be the owner (for example, customer portal user). Enter the admin user name as first name, last name. |
Auto Enable PDF For Final Docs |
Select this and the Create PDF Attachment check box is always selected when you choose to save as Final - to be signed from the check-in dialog. You may use this field when you want to finalize an agreement document. |
Auto Enable Reconciliation |
Select this and the Reconcile Document option is always selected when you go to check-in an agreement document. |
Agreement Number Field For Imported Docs |
In this field, specify the API name of the field you
want to use. For example, use |
Allow PDF Select Override |
This is only applicable when Auto Enable PDF For Final Docs is selected. |
Allow Reconcile Selection Override |
This is only applicable when Auto Enable Reconciliation is selected. |
Auto Create Order |
Select this check box if you want to create an order and asset as soon as an agreement is activated. This is useful when you want to integrate Assets with Contracts. |
Auto Enable Private Indicator |
Select this check box if you want to auto enable private indicator for documents. If you select this check box, the Make this document private check box for any agreement document is auto-selected. |
Auto Insert Header Footer Data |
Select this field to automatically insert the Agreement Number Field For Imported Docs field value to the header and the latest timestamp to the footer of an agreement document. This field is available for Generate, Import and Offline actions. For more information about when to use this field, see Agreement Number/Header Configuration section in Configuring Offline Agreement Window. |
Allow Private Selection Override |
Select this check box if you want to allow the user to override the private document selection. This setting is applicable only when Auto Enable Private Indicator is selected for documents. |
Auto Sync With Opportunity |
Indicates whether the agreement will be automatically synchronized with the opportunity when the agreement is accepted. This setting appears only if you have Conga Contract-Configuration Integration package installed. |
Enable PDF Security |
Enabling PDF security lets users apply security settings to PDF documents and protect them with a password. |
Bypass Sharing |
Indicates whether apex code can bypass record sharing during selective operations such as clone and deleting draft attachments. |
Contract Summary Template |
This field contains the name of the contract summary template. You may have to define a separate template to contain the contract summary details and mention the name of the template here. |
Default Opportunity Agreement Owner |
Type Opportunity Owner or Current User to set the default owner for the quote/proposal created from an opportunity. If not set, Opportunity Owner becomes the default owner. |
Default Document Tags |
Enter a comma-separated list of tags to make available for any agreement document as it is checked in from X-Author Contracts. Use of these tags requires Contract Document Versioning to be enabled. The Document Finder feature must also be configured in your org. For more information, see Configuring Document Finder. |
Document Naming Convention |
Specify a value to apply a custom naming convention for all proposal documents at generation, check-in and signature events. The default naming convention is %:Name%_%action%_%templatename%_%timestamp% If this property is left blank, the system will use the default naming convention. The following attributes permitted when formulating a document naming convention are:
Example proposal document name using the default naming convention: SOW_Regenerated_SOW ABC_2015-08-07 |
Document Structure FX2 For Imported Docs |
Check this box to make document structure FX2 format for all Offline documents (created or imported). If not checked, all offline documents are created in the "pre-existing" format. Note: This property only applies to
Offline agreements created from the Agreement or user Home page links in
Salesforce. The format of Offline agreements created using X-Author for
Contracts will still depend on user-input from X-Author.
Email Template For Checkin Notification |
Type the email template for sending check-in notifications. |
Enable Clause Approvals |
This check box allows you to set up approval processes on clauses used in your document. |
Enable Document Versioning |
Check this box to enable Document Versioning. All new agreement records created in your org will use Document Versioning after this setting is enabled . Enable Version Control must be enabled for Document Versioning to work properly. Enabling Document Versioning changes the value of the Version Aware Agreement field to TRUE for all new agreements after the property is activated. The Version Aware field is a flag that tells Conga Contract Management to use Document Versioning for a specific record. Important Note: It is recommended that once a record is flagged as Version Aware, you do not disable this field, as versioning will become undefined for the agreement record in question. Instead, ensure that records which should not use Document Versioning do not have the field enabled when they are created. For more information on how you can configure Document Versioning for your org, see Enabling Contract Document Versioning. |
Enable Merge Call Debug |
Enable Merge Service debugging. |
Enable Multiple Checkout |
Allows multiple checkout. This is applicable only when version control is in effect. |
Enable PDF Security |
Enabling PDF security lets users apply security settings to PDF documents and protect them with a password. See Enabling PDF Security for Quote/Proposal Documents for more information. |
Enable Submit Merge Call |
Submits merge calls for processing. The Submit and Submit for Generate (Async) button is displayed during document generation. |
Enable Template Versioning |
Check this box to enable Template Versioning. All new Templates created in your org will use Template Versioning after this setting is enabled. For more information, see Configuring Template Versioning. |
Enable Version Control |
Check this box to enforce a check-in/check-out policy for agreement documents. This setting must be enabled when "Enable Document Versioning" is checked. Note: This property existed in CLM versions prior to 8, so this property may already be enabled. |
Footer Datetime Format For Imported Docs |
Specify the format in which date and time will be shown in the generated agreement. When a new document is imported into the system, it will include the Date in the bottom left corner of the footer on each page, in the format selected above. For more information, see Setting the Date and Time Format for the Footer section in Configuring Offline Agreement Window. |
Instance URL |
The Salesforce instance url for redirecting to custom pages. For example: This is required to navigate to custom pages in the managed package. |
Max Child Level |
The maximum level of lookups and child objects available from the parent object to generate the merge data for. For example, Agreement is the parent object, Agreement Fee is the child object of Agreement and Agreement Fee Adjustment is the child of Agreement Fee and grandchild of Agreement. |
Merge Call Timeout Millis |
The timeout in milliseconds for the merge request. Type a number to indicate timeout in milliseconds for the merge request. For example: 60,000 |
Merge Webservice Endpoint |
Type the Conga merge webservice endpoint. For example: |
PDF Owner Password |
Type the password required to change permissions of the PDF document like printing or editing. |
Publish Author Events |
Indicates whether merge events that occur in X-Author, such as check-in or check-out, should be published. If enabled, a record is inserted in the Merge Event table on the Agreement record. |
Publish Merge Events |
Indicates whether merge events, such as generating an agreement document or creating offline document should be published. If enabled, a record is inserted in the Merge Event table on the Agreement record. |
Sync Bundle Using Line Items |
Synchronizes bundle products using agreement line items. The default uses agreement summary objects. This setting appears only if you have the Conga Contract-Configuration Integration package installed. |
Sync Option Products |
Synchronizes options along with bundles. The default is to synchronize bundle only. This setting appears only if you have the Conga Contract-Configuration Integration package installed. |
Temp Email Template Inactive Hours |
Use this property to set the orphan period of temporary email templates to use in conjunction with the CleanupJobScheduler APEX class. The default value of this property is set to 4 hours. For more information, see CLM for Administrators. |
Use Agreement Locks for Versioning |
Check this box to use Agreement locks for versioning instead of document-level locking: