Conga Product Documentation

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Config System Properties

This custom setting holds the Configuration & Pricing System properties. The record System Properties should already exist. If not, create a record named System Properties. Click Manage then click New to create a new record. Define the fields mentioned in the table as desired and click Save.



Actions Column Position

Enter the position of the actions column in the cart page.

Valid values are:

  • Left
  • Right

Adhoc/Product Totaling Hierarchy

Enter the list of product fields that represent the product totaling hierarchy. Each product field API name should be separated by a new line. Only applicable when product based totaling is in effect. Select the custom setting Totaling Group Type.

Admin User

The admin user is the default owner of activities created by a user who is not allowed to be the owner, for example, Customer Portal user.

Enter the admin user name as <first name>, <last name>.

Auto Execute Post-Pricing Step

Select this setting to enable CPQ to execute the post-pricing logic automatically after pricing. The setting is applicable only after the pricing logic is defined in the pricing extension callback.

Auto Execute Pre-Pricing Step

Select this setting to enable CPQ to execute the pre-pricing logic automatically before pricing. The setting is applicable only before the pricing logic is defined in the pricing extension callback.

Auto Finalize On Cart Approval

Select this setting to automatically finalize the cart when it is approved and ready for finalization.

Auto Refresh Usage Tier

Select this setting to enable modifiable usage tiers to automatically re-calculate tier price upon PLI change.

Auto Sync On Cart Approval

Select this setting to automatically synchronize the cart when it is approved and ready for finalization.

Auto Update Category View

Select this setting to enable auto incremental updates to category view.

Base Product Relation Field

Enter the API name of the product field that associates a child product with the base product.

Bypass Sharing

Select this setting to enable apex code to bypass record sharing.

Bypass Shopping Cart

Select this setting to display the Update Price and Finalizebuttons and hide the Go To Pricing button on all the new pages. On the configuration page, only the Go To Pricing button is disabled. You can still finalize the quote using the Mini cart.

Cart Edit Access Idle Timeout in Minutes

Enter a number to specify the number of minutes of idle time a configuration can be kept in edit mode.

Cart Theme

Cart Themes are deprecated. No changes are executed even if the values are defined in the setting.

Cascade Shared Attribute Updates

Select this setting to cascade the shared bundle attribute updates to options in the bundle. If this setting is not selected, the bundle attributes will initially be cascaded to options in the bundle, but subsequent changes in the bundle attribute will not be cascaded to option attributes.

Check Many Options

Select this to enable mass selection of options on the Configuration and Service Bundle page. This setting allows the Sales rep to select, clear the selection, and update options, and attributes before processing pricing and expression, and invoking rules.

Cleanup Invalid Rule Prompt

Select this setting to enable removal of line items prompted by currently invalid rules.

Compute Totals In Separate Step

Select this setting to enable CPQ to perform the totaling in a separate step or combine it with the base pricing step. This setting ensures that the totaling, which is dependent on the number of lines, should be done as a separate remoting call. This setting helps to avoid the CPU time limit issue to a large extent.

Constraint Rule Execution Mode

Enter the mode to perform the constraint rule execution on the client-side or the server-side. By default, no value is specified and the system assumes the value as Server.

Valid values are:

This custom setting supports inclusion, exclusion, and validation rules on the client-side as well as the server-side.


The Salesforce Validation Rules are not supported with Conga TurboEngines.


In a Service CPQ flow, always execute constraint rules in Client mode.

Column Render Threshold

Enter the number of columns to load when Cart Grid renders. Use this setting when you have defined a style for the columns in the Display Column settings. This improves scrolling performance when you increase the column width. The default value is 10. Enter a value based on the number of columns in the cart.

CR Maintenance Governor Limits Threshold

Enter the percentage of governor limit to be used as a threshold for constraint rule maintenance job. When the maintenance job fulfils the threshold, CPQ divides the maintenance job in multiple batches and then continue to execute the job. The value must be in range of 10 to 100. By default, the threshold will be 100% of the governor limit.

CSS Override

Enter the name of the static resource to override CSS in the catalog, attributes, options, and cart pages. For more information, see Configuring CSS Override.


To define CSS for a specific flow, define the field in the dataset of that flow and leave the field blank in System Properties. If you define the CSS Override in both the datasets, only the value in System Properties is considered.

Currency Field Precision

Enter a number to specify decimal places for currency precision. The default currency precision is 2 decimal places.


Currency Field Precision only applies to Net Price, irrespective of the currency. You can create a formula field to define the precision of the values of the amount fields based on different currencies.

Custom Asset Action Label Name

Enter a label name for a custom asset action.

Custom Asset Action Page

Enter the Visualforce name for the custom asset action page.

Custom Deal Guidance Page

Enter the name of the custom Deal Guidance page.

Custom Option Attribute Page

Enter the name of the custom Option Attribute page.

Custom Pre-Pricing Fields

Enter the list of custom fields from the line item object that determine the pre-pricing indicator.

Custom Pricing fields

Enter the custom field API name from the line item object displayed on the cart page. To add more than one field name, separate the names by a new line or a comma.

When you makes any changes to these custom fields, the system is set to reprice before clicking Review and Finalize.

Default Asset Pricing Indicator?

Select this setting to make asset pricing as default for asset line items. However, you can override this global setting for certain ABO actions and the corresponding line statuses on the cart. In that case, CPQ applies price from price list items. For more information, see Overriding the Default Asset Pricing for Line Statuses Based on ABO Actions.

CPQ applies Price Escalator on new ramp lines created during ABO operations regardless of the Default Asset Pricing Indicator? setting (true or false). A new ramp line always gets its value from the price list item (PLI) pricing. For more information, see Use Case: Applying Price Escalator on New Ramp Lines During ABO Operations.

Default Catalog Page

Enter the Visualforce page name for the default catalog page.

Valid values are:

  • SelectConfigProducts
  • SelectConfigProductsFilterView

Defer Constraint on Option Selection

Select this setting to process the constraint rules on option selection on the Configuration Page. If the selected the constraint rules deferred until the Sales Rep clicks Go to Pricing or any other action button available on the Configuration page.

Defer Pricing

Select this setting to price the products before displaying the cart or after displaying the cart. The default is true (defer until cart is displayed).

The Sales rep can use the Update Price button on the Configuration page to calculate pricing after updating the fields.

Defer Validation Check in Bundles

Select this setting to defer the validation check in the bundle configuration step. This is setting is selected by default.

Direct Configure Asset Actions

Select this setting to open the options page for the first bundle product that is configurable. The rest of the bundle products are added to the cart and displayed under the Selected Products section on the right-hand side panel. If the bundle product is set as Must Configure, an exclamation icon is displayed for incomplete configuration.

Disable Charge Type Totaling

Select this setting to disable the totaling of charge types.

Disable Constraint Rules

Select this setting to disable constraint rules. This may be used to optimize performance when constraints are not used in the organization. The default value is false (enabled).

Disable Existing Asset Pricing

This setting is deprecated.

Disable Pricing Query Optimization

Select this setting to disable pricing query optimization for the cart. This setting allows the system to load a large number of managed fields from the line item into the cache. By default, fewer fields are retrieved for line items in the cart to optimize the heap. This indicator is used to disable the optimization so that it supports the existing customization.

Disable SOSL Text Search

Select this setting to disable the SOSL catalog search. When disabled, CPQ uses SOQL catalog search.

Display Cart Actions As Dropdown

Select this setting to display the line item action buttons as a drop-down menu on the cart page.

Enable Adjustment Buckets

Select this setting to enable adjustments applied in the Mass Adjustments dialog box for a line item to be grouped in buckets, to be used as targets for applying further adjustments. This setting works only if you have set a finite value in the Max Adjustment Lines custom setting.

Enable Adjustment Spread

Select this setting to enable the adjustment on a bundle to spread to its options.

Enable Aggregate Pricing

Select this setting to enable aggregate pricing. This may be used to optimize performance when aggregate price rules are not used in the organization. The default value is false (disabled).

Enable Auto Reprice

Select this setting to automatically reprice the cart when a price component is modified, without applying any pricing rules.

This setting provides client-side computation facility.

  • On Cart Grid with custom setting Enable Auto Reprice set to ON, when you change any Quantity on cart line item and click Reprice, CPQ updates the pricing fields such as Extended Price, Net Price for the specific row.
  • Calculates totals (by charges and frequency) and grand totals
  • Calculates subtotals for category

As a sales rep you can see estimated pricing without any delay using this setting.

Estimated pricing means when quantity is changed and adjustment or discounts are provided, pricing calculation is done at the client-side.

Enable Auto Sequencing For Options

Select this setting to enable auto sequencing for options. If you do not select this option, the Option Item Sequence in the shopping cart and the Line Itemsisbased on the user selection sequence rather than the Bundle Options sequence.

Enable Base Price Adjustment

Select this setting to enable unit level price adjustment for the Base Price of the product in the cart.

Enable Base Price Rounding

Select this setting to enable CPQ to round list price and base price fields in the line item using the currency field precision setting.

Enable CartLocking for Concurrent Access

Select this setting to enable your cart for concurrent access to other sales representatives. For more information, see Enabling Cart Locking for Concurrent Access.

Enable Contextual Totals

Select this setting to display subtotals and totals section at the bottom of the cart page for Cart Grid UI. By default, this setting is not selected.

Enable Custom Rounding

Select this setting to enable rounding of selling term and price in each price calculation step.

  • Rounding of Selling Term: This setting considers the precision of selling term defined in the Term Field Precision setting and rounds the selling term consistently both on the UI and in backend calculation.
  • Rounding of Pricing: This setting rounds the price in each price calculation step considering the precision defined for each currency, both on the UI and in backend calculations. The amount in price calculation steps (for list price, base price, adjusted price, and net price only after each step such as price matrix, price ruleset, line level manual adjustment, group adjustment) is calculated considering the precision of the currency.

Price rounding at backend occurs only for the base price, adjusted price, and net price when this setting is enabled.

Enable Defaulting For Products

Select this setting to enable defaulting for products. This may be used to optimize performance when product default rules are not used in the organization. The default value is false (disabled).

Enable Default Quantity For ABO Item

Select this setting to enable the default quantity rules for ABO items.

When you enable this setting, CPQ supports only attribute-based default quantity during ABO operations.

Enable External Pricing

Select this setting to enable external pricing. The default value is false (disabled).

Enable Fast Cloning

Select this setting to enable fast cloning.

Enable Field Expressions

Select this setting to enable users to use Expression Builder for attributes, option groups, and options. This setting is enabled by default.

Enable File

Select this setting to enable use of Files (Salesforce). This setting also enables preview on the Doc Gen page.


After you select this setting, it is mandatory to run Migration, which moves the documents in Notes & Attachments from CPQ to Salesforce Files.

Enable Keyed Matrix Pricing

Select this if you have option products with a large number of dimensions of type discrete. This also helps in reducing SOQL queries.

Enable Location

Select this setting to enable users to select a location for a cart. The line items will have the current cart location assigned to them.

Enable Matrix Pricing For Options

Select this setting to enable matrix pricing for options. This may be used to optimize performance when options do not use price matrices in the organization. The default value is false (disabled).

Enable Notification Feed

Select this setting to enable push notifications. The notifications are enabled for the following features:

  • Quote Collaboration notifications. The notification pop-up appears when any collaboration request is submitted, completed, accepted, and merged in the parent cart.
  • To enable push notifications for async CPQ operations. For more information, see Configuring Progress Tracker for Async Operation .

Enable Optional Items

Select this setting to enable optional items in the cart.

Enable Paginated Grid

Select this setting to enable pagination for cart grid.

Enable Price Matrix Audit Trail

Select this setting to enable CPQ to create audit trail entries when adjustments are applied on the Line Item through Price Matrices. The audit trail entries are created on the Adjustment Line Item object.


This feature does not work if you use adjustment buckets.

Enable Price Rule Audit Trail

Select this setting to enable CPQ to create audit trail entries when promotions are applied on the Line Item through Price Rules. The audit trails entries are created on the Adjustment Line Item object.

Enable Price Rule For ABO Item

Select this setting to indicate whether price rule adjustments should be applied to ABO items.

Enable Total Level Incentive

Select this setting to enable incentives at the total level.

Enhanced Search URL

Select this setting to enhance search URL endpoint.

Exclude Optional Products

Select this to exclude optional products when CPQ evaluated the bundle's structural requirements. When you enable this setting, CPQ excludes the optional products from the option group Min/Max criteria.

Expand Bundles in Cart

Select this setting to expand all attributes and options of a bundle product in the cart.


Pagination feature is not supported along with Expand Bundles in Cart.


Enter the API names of fields of type picklist and multi-select picklist from favorite configuration object. These fields define the filters that can be used to categorize favorite configuration on catalog page. If you define default values for the picklists, they are displayed on the catalog page as well. Only the first five fields are displayed on the catalog page. Enter the API Names of the fields separated by a comma or by a new line.

Field Expression Execution Mode

Indicates where the numeric expressions are evaluated. Following are the values:

  • Server - (Default) Enables the server-side execution of the numeric expressions.
  • Client - Disables the server-side execution of the numeric expressions.

Fixed Button Bar

Select this setting to display a fixed bar for actions button on the catalog, attributes, options, cart, and installed products page.

Generate Relative Url For Sites

Select this setting to enable CPQ to generate relative URL for links for a Communities user.

This custom setting is deprecated.

Grid Render Threshold

This setting helps to improve the grid scroll performance, with a default value of 20. You must adjust the value based on the number of lines displayed on the Cart.


Earlier the scroll performance was managed using APTS_VirtualizationThreshold, which is now deprecated. You must use the Grid Render Threshold instead of APTS_VirtualizationThreshold.

GroupBy Fields

Specify the API names of those line item fields that are of the type: Lookup, Formula Fields, and Text. These line item fields are shown under the Group By drop down on the cart page. For example, for Group By PriceList, specify the API name of the field that is a lookup to the pricelist object. For more information, see Viewing the Cart in Grid View.


API names with relationship fields are not supported. For example, is not supported. However, the regular Line Item Field API Names like Apttus_Config2ProductId_c are supported

Guide Page Default

Enter the Visualforce page name for the default guide page for product selection.

Hide Asset Actions

Enter the actions to hide on the Installed Products page. Use a comma to separate values. For example, Increment, Amend, Renew, Cancel. These actions are tied with your Flow settings. For more information, see Defining Allowed Actions for Assets.

Hide Cart Views

Select this setting to hide Cart Views on the cart.

Hide Cart Views Creation

Select this setting to hide the Create New View menu option in the Cart View.

Hide Copy Action

Select this setting to hide the copy action in the cart. The default value is false (copy icon is displayed).

Hide Dates For One Time Charge

Select this setting to hide the dates for price list items of type One-Time Charge.

Hide Evergreen End Date

Select this setting to hide the end date for Evergreen Proposals.

Hide Grand Total

Select this setting to hide the grand total line on the cart page.

Hide Resolve Config Link

Select this setting to hide the link to the resolve configuration error page and instead display the error along with the constraint rule message.

Hide Subtotals In Cart

Select this setting to hide subtotals in the cart view. The default value is false (show subtotals in the cart). When selected, the system hides subtotal lines in the Summary section and still shows Category Total, One Time Total, and Grand Total.

Instance Url

Enter the Salesforce instance URL (for example, The instance URL is required to navigate to custom pages in the managed package.

Keep Abandoned Carts

Select this setting to keep abandoned carts. The default value is false (abandoned carts are moved to the recycle bin).

Large Cart Spilt Criteria Fields

This setting is not functional. You must use the Split Cart Criteria Fields setting to define criteria for the Large Cart flow.

Large Cart Threshold

Enter the value that defines whether it is a Large Cart or not and the mode of the cart finalization from synchronous or asynchronous.

For example, If you specify the value 499 and your line item in the Cart is greater than or equal to 500, then the quote finalization happens in asynchronous mode or else in the synchronous mode.

Max Adjustment Lines

Enter the maximum number of adjustment lines allowed for a line item. This setting is applicable only for manual adjustments, not for auto-applied adjustments (such as promotions, price matrices, and price rulesets). For example, if Max Adjustment Lines = 3, the sales representative can apply a maximum of three manual adjustments on the multiple adjustments pop-up. After that, CPQ disables the + Add another adjustment button and displays a message.

  • If the value of this setting is greater than or equal to 1, CPQ displays auto-applied adjustments (in read-only mode) on the multiple adjustments pop-up. Sales reps can create as many adjustments on the pop-up as the value defined in this setting. After reaching the limit, CPQ disables the + Add another adjustment button and displays a message.
  • If the value of this setting is 0, CPQ displays only auto-applied adjustments (in read-only mode) on the pop-up. Sales reps cannot add any manual adjustments. CPQ does not display the + Add another adjustment button, but displays a message.

Max Allowed Lines For Mass Actions

Enter the maximum number of line items to be selected for mass actions on the cart. The default value for selecting the line items for mass action is 10. Max Allowed Lines For Mass Actions custom setting is overridden when Perform Mass Actions in Parallel custom setting is enabled by the user for selecting a large number of line items on the cart for mass action in one go.

Max Constraint Rules Round Trip

Enter the maximum number of round trips after which the constraint rule processing should stop. Round trip happens only when auto included products trigger more rules. The default value is 3.

Misc Charge Types

Enter the list of miscellaneous charge types. Each charge type should be separated by a new line. The charge types are displayed as picklist values when adding miscellaneous items to the cart. The default values are Sales Tax and Shipping & Handling.

Multi Currency Management

Enter a value to define the currency precision in a multi-currency org. Valid values are Platform and None.

  • Apttus: This is the default value. If you choose this value, the system considers the currency precision settings that you have defined using Currency Field Precision.
  • Platform: If you choose this value, the system considers the precision settings for the currency defined at Setup > Administer > Company Profile > Manage Currencies. When you click Manage Currencies, the decimal places defined for your Corporate currency is considered. If you do not specify any value in the Decimal Places, the system considers the default value as 2.

Option Line Item Columns

Enter the field name from the line item object displayed on the Option Hierarchy page. To add more than one field name separate the names by a new line or a comma.

Option Pricing Chunk Size

Enter a number for the option pricing chunk size for bundles with a large number of options. The default value is 100. The SFDC governor limit affects the chunk size.

Option Product Columns

Enter the field name from the product object displayed on the Option Hierarchy page. To add more than one field name separate the names by a new line or a comma.

Options Page

Enter the Visualforce page name for the default options page. If no value is specified, the options page defaults to the icon view. Valid values are:
  • SelectConfigOptions
  • SelectConfigOptionsTabView
  • SelectConfigOptionsListView

Percentage Field Precision

Enter a number to specify decimal places for percentage precision. The default percentage precision is 2 decimal places.

Perform Mass Actions in Parallel

Select this setting to perform mass actions on the cart. You can copy and remove multiple line items from the cart by mass action in one go.

Populate Attribute Extensions

Select this setting to indicate that the attribute values are populated in the attribute extension objects.

Pricing Batch Size

Enter a number to define the number of line items that can be processed in a single pricing call. Setting the Pricing Batch Size, the system runs pricing with the specified number of products as a batch, thus increasing performance. These batch calls to the database are governed by the Salesforce CPU time limit and hence the number assigned for Pricing Batch Size must be carefully evaluated.


You can configure this setting based on a flow. In such a case, the flow-based setting overrides the generic setting.

Pricing Profile

Enter Basic, Advanced, or External. A pricing profile is Basic, when there are none of the following used:
  • Pricing Rules
  • Price Matrices
  • Related Pricing Setup
  • Bundles

If the Pricing Profile field is left blank, the default value is Advanced.


You can configure this setting based on a flow. In such a case, the flow-based setting overrides the generic setting.

Product Attribute Detail Page

Type the Visualforce page name for default attributes page. This is the custom page to capture product attribute details.

Product Attribute Extension Tables

Enter comma-separated API names of the lookup relationships, created with the Product Attribute Value object. For example, if you have 4 extension objects to the Product Attribute Value object and their corresponding 4 lookup relationships, you must specify 4 API names in this field.

Product Display Max Length

Enter the maximum number of characters to be displayed for the product name on the cart page. If the product name exceeds the maximum length, the ellipsis is shown. The default value is 21.

Product Option Price Order

Enter the order of execution of option pricing (with adjustments) in conjunction with the price rule set and matrices. The valid values are: First and Last. By default, the value is Last.

  • First - The system applies the adjustments before the price rulesets and after price matrices.
  • Last (Default) - The system applies the adjustments after the price rulesets.

Product Sorting Fields

Enter the list of API names of fields from the Product object to be displayed in the sorting drop-down on the Catalog page. The Sales rep can use the Sort drop-down to select a field from the list to sort the products on the Catalog page.

Quantity Field Precision

Enter a number to specify decimal places for quantity precision. The default quantity precision is 2 decimal places.

Maximum Product Details Per Request

Enter the number to specify the number of product details to allow per request. The default product details allowed per request is 30.

Refine Search Checkbox Display Limit

Enter a number to specify the limit after which the Refine Your Search options are displayed as a picklist. By default, the options are displayed as checkboxes. The minimum and the maximum values are 0 and 20 respectively. Any number less than 0 is considered 0 and any number greater than 20 is considered 20.

Related Price Scope

Enter a value to perform the related pricing calculations over the entire cart or confine the calculations to a Bundle product only. For example, if the price of an Option product is a percentage of another Option product in the same bundle, consider the following scenarios with Related Price Scope = Cart and Bundle,

  • If value = Cart, the Option price is based on the price of all the instances of the related product in the cart, whether it is in the same Bundle or a Standalone, or in another Bundle.
  • If value = Bundle, the Option price is based on the related product instances within the same Bundle.

Remove Invalid Rule Products

Select this setting to automatically remove line items auto-included by invalid rules on cart launch. If the setting is disabled, the user is prompted to take appropriate action.

Resolve Configuration Page

Enter the default Resolve Configure page name. On Resolve Configuration Errors/Warnings, this page is used.
  • ResolveConfig
  • ResolveConfigProducts

Revalidation Product Columns (D)

Type the API names of product object fields that you want to display on the revalidation pop-up on the cart page. You can separate each field API name either by a comma or by a new line.


This setting is deprecated.

Rounding Mode

Enables currency rounding in pricing calculations. This setting rounds adjustments before calculating the base price. Enter one of the following values:

  • UP: Rounds the currency to the next number. For example, 21.2 is rounded to 22.
  • DOWN: Rounds the currency to the previous number. For example, 21.8 is rounded to 21.
  • HALF_UP: Rounds the currency to the next number if the decimal is equal to or greater than 5. For example, 21.5 to 21.9 is rounded to 22.
  • HALF_DOWN: Rounds the currency to the previous number if the decimal is equal to or smaller than 5. For example, 21.1 to 21.5 is rounded to 21.
  • HALF_EVEN: Rounds the currency to the nearest even number. For example, 23.5 is rounded to 24 and 22.5 is rounded to 22.

Run Misc Finalization Task in Async Mode

Indicator to check whether proposal line product attribute and usage tier records to be created with some delay after you Finalize a cart. In a scenario when the user creates Asset or generates a document immediately after finalizing the cart, there are chances that the record does not have attribute value or usage tiers.

If this checkbox is selected, the usage tiers and attribute record for proposal line items are created in Async mode when you finalize a cart. Otherwise, the usage tiers and attribute record for proposal line items are created as soon as you finalize a cart.

Run Post Finalize Trigger In Async Mode

Indicates whether the finalization task should be run asynchronously.

Run Validation Callback On Add

Select this to invoke the Validation Callback upon upon clicking View Cart on the Mini Cart.

Same Day Cancellation

Select this option if you want the Asset Cancellation applicable on the same day. For example, while performing Termination on an Asset you enter the Termination Date as 5/11/2016. If you select Same Day Cancellation, the cancellation will be effective from 5/11/2016. Otherwise, the cancellation will be in effect a day later which is 5/12/2016.

Same Day Cancellation is applicable by default. Clear the checkbox to apply cancellations after a day.

Save On All Actions

Saves the configuration when you click any action on the cart page.


This setting is deprecated.

Search Category Default

The default search category. Indicates the category to default to when searching for products using the search text box in the product selection page. The valid values are the following:

All Categories All Products

The default value is All Categories. Choose All Products to search all products regardless of categories.

Selling Term Calculation Method

Indicates the method to calculate the selling term for line items on the Cart page.

The valid values are:

  • Calendar: The selling term is calculated based on the calendar. This is the default method.
  • Billing Preference: The selling term is calculated based on the billing preferences. You can price transactions based on the term calculated according to the user’s preferred start day instead of it always being the first of the month.

    When the Conga Billing package is installed, you must set the Selling Term Calculation Method setting to Billing Preference. CPQ then calculates the selling term based on the billing preferences. For more information, see Billing Preferences.


The old values supported for this field were Normal or Precise. Whenever you upgrade CPQ packages, the last value of Calendar or Billing Preference (added before upgrade) must be retained. If the value of this field changes to Normal or Precise (old values) after an upgrade, manually change it to Calendar or Billing Preference. The old values of this field (Normal and Precise) are not automatically removed from existing installations.

Service Line Split Criteria

Defines the criteria to clone the service line.

Service Price Distribution Method

Enter a value to define the mode used for service pricing. The valid values are:

  • Rollup: Considers all entries of asset components and service line items and the rolls up the final value. Enter this value when the customer has a need to pool and price related equipment with different service prices.
  • Allocate: If values for different services are different and user clicks Relate and adds another option, CPQ takes the price of the matrix entry and then distributes to the entire service price. Enter this value when the customer has a need to create a service line only for similarly priced related equipment line items. In this case, the dimensions from the first set of the related line items are used to price the service.

Show Admin Sidebar

Hides the sidebar for the following Admin pages:

Show Attributes in Cart


This setting is deprecated.

Show Header

Displays the header tabs and the sidebar on the custom pages.

Show Info In Header

Indicates whether to show information message from auto include or auto-exclude in the header. The default value is false (Hide).

Show Radio Buttons for Asset

Enable to display radio buttons for asset actions Renew, Increment, Amend, and Cancel.

Show Tab View

Displays option groups as tabs instead of sections in the options page. You can enable the Show Tab View setting at a product level also. Select the checkbox on the product details page.

Skip Constraint Decision Field

Indicates that fields on the line item skips the Constraint Rule check. Enables bypassing constraint and finalize quote even if there are constraint error.

Skip Review

Skips the review step for items in the cart.

Split Cart Criteria Fields

Defines the criteria to break the summarized view of items added during a large cart process. List the API names of the line item fields separated by a comma or new line. Enter the field names whose values do not change after the records are created for a cart.

Split Cart Threshold

Indicates the number of line items, when exceeded a cart is created. When you define the threshold as 20 and the cart has 30 line items, a cart is created for the remaining 10 line items. This setting is applicable for Split quotes.

The default batch size for order line item creation and order activation is 100 unique bundle lines. This means 100 unique products on the cart (each product can have multiple line items).

Static Criteria Fields

Defines the criteria to break the summarized view of items added during a large cart process. List the API names of the line item fields separated by a comma or a new line. Type the field names whose value does not change after the records are created for a cart.

Term Field Precision

Type the precision value that you want to display for the Selling Term column on the shopping cart. For example, if your term calculation results to 4.553412 and you have set Term Field Precision to 3, the Selling Term column displays 4.553. The default term precision is 5 decimals.

This setting is applicable only for the New UI.

Totaling Group Type

The totaling group preference. The valid values are the following:

  • Category: When you add a product to the cart from the lowest leaf category where it is associated, the Category Hierarchy column in the Line Items related list is populated with its bread-crumb trail. This is useful to identify the exact category from where the product was added, in case if the product is associated with multiple categories
  • Product

The default value is Category. For Product-based totaling, the Product Totaling Hierarchy setting is required.

Update View Category Batch Size

Defines the number of categories to update views in a single transaction. Enter a number to define the batch size.

Update View Product Batch Size

Defines the size of the batch to update views of products in a single transaction. Enter a number to define the batch size.

Update View Use Dml Limit

Indicates whether the DML limit is used to determine the workload of a batch to update views of products.

Use Button to Save Selection

Indicates whether to wait for button click before processing option selection and validation.

Use Enhanced CSS

Enables you to include the enhanced CSS file on CPQ pages.

View Cart Custom Fields

Enter the list of custom fields from the line item object displayed in the custom view cart page. Each field API name should be separated by a new line or a comma.

View Cart Custom Fields 2

Enter the list of additional custom fields from the line item object displayed in the custom view cart page. Each field API name should be separated by a new line or a comma.

View Cart Page

Type the Visualforce page name for default cart page.

View Cart Total Custom Fields

Enter the list of custom fields from the summary group object displayed in the custom view cart page. Each field API name should be separated by a new line or a comma.

When a line item of Charge Type = One Time or a proposal that is Evergreen is created, you can choose to hide the dates of the line item or in the proposal. Similarly, if the Line Item has Auto Renewal marked as true, you can choose to hide the dates on those line items.

The behavior listed below is true when you split the bundle ramps.


Flags selected


If Price Type is One Time on Line Item

Hide Dates For One Time (If selected)

Hide Start Date and End Date on Line Item.

Hide Dates For One Time (If not selected)

Start Date and End Date are visible.

If Price Type is Recurring or Usage

Hide Evergreen End Date (If selected) and AutoRenewalType = Evergreen on Line Item

End Date is hidden.

Hide Evergreen End Date (If not selected) and AutoRenewalType = Evergreen on Line Item

End Date should behave the same way it behaves for recurring.