Conga Product Documentation

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Config Flow

This custom setting allows you to define a user interface flow for CPQ by using the default pages available. Click Manage then click New to create a new flow. Define the field mentioned in the table as desired and click Save.



Assets Page

Enter the name of the page you want to display as Asset page. Supported value is:
  • Apttus_Config2__Cart#assetsgrid

Cart Page

Enter the name of the page you want to display as Cart page. Supported value is:
  • Apttus_Config2__Cart#cartgrid

Catalog Page

Enter the name of the page you want to display as Catalog page. Supported value is:
  • Apttus_Config2__Cart

Option Page

Enter the name of the page you want to display as Option page. Supported value is:
  • Apttus_Config2__Cart

Product Attribute Detail Page

Enter the name of the page you want to display as Product Attribute Detail page. Supported value is:
  • Apttus_Config2__Cart