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Creating Price Pipeline Rules

A Price Pipeline Rule enables you to provide target adjustments to specific price points in the price waterfall chart. Although the standard price rules are applied to the Base Price, you can now target any custom price point that you want by using the price pipeline rule. When defining any price pipeline rule, you must associate at least one price point to a price pipeline rule. These rules are will be executed (subject to fulfilling other criteria) and shown as adjustments specific to only those price points in the price waterfall chart.

You can associate multiple pipeline rules to a price pipeline ruleset or through to a product. Price matrices can be defined in price rules as well as conditional price pipeline rules (rules that use Boolean logic such as AND/OR). The price pipeline rule can be dimensional, which uses a similar concept to Price Matrices or Conditional, that relates to fields for pricing adjustments.

One ruleset can have multiple rules and is evaluated in order of the rule sequence. A rule can be dimensional or conditional. A price pipeline rule determines the actual price adjustment made.

To create a price pipeline rule

You must have an existing Price Ruleset.

  1. In the App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the CPQ Admin tab. The new admin console is launched.
  2. On the Pricing menu, click Manage Price Ruleset.
  3. Select a price ruleset.
  4. On the PRICE PIPELINE RULES tab click New Price Price Pipeline Rule.
  5. On the DETAILS tab, enter the following details.
    1. In Rule Name, enter a mandatory rule name.
    2. In Short Description, enter a description for the rule.
    3. Click Target Price Points and select the price point from the list to associate with the rule.
    4. From Rule Type, select a type. The supported values are Dimension and Condition.
    5. From Adjustment Applies To, select an option to which the adjustment is applied. This is for line-item adjustments only. The supported values are List Price, Previous, and Prior Price Point.



      List price

      The source price for adjustment calculation is the List Price.


      The source price for adjustment calculation is the current running price.

      Selecting 'Previous' allows you to apply adjustments to any previous price point, including list price and base price.

      Prior Price Point

      The source price for adjustment calculation is the prior price point.

    6. By default, the price pipeline rule inherits the value of Currency, from the price ruleset.
    7. The Sequence is auto-generated.
    8. To make the rule active, select Active.
    9. From Adjustment Charge Type, select an option to set adjustment as a charge type. You can change this in the price pipeline rule object.
  6. Select the DIMENSIONS tab, enter the following details.
    1. From Dimension, select a price dimension.

      You can enter up to six dimensions, which bring in attributes from the line items or headers of any data type within Salesforce. For example, you can select a dimension on quantity.

    2. From Dimension Value Type, select Discrete, Range, Cumulative Range, or Cumulative Range-Line Item.
  7. Click Save. The price pipeline rule is created and listed under the price pipeline rule list.
  8. Click Save.