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Swapping Assets in the Contract Flow

This section explains how you can swap assets in the Contract flow.


  • Ensure that the custom setting Auto Create Order is set to True under Setup > Develop > Custom Settings > Comply System Properties.
  • Assets are already created.

To swap assets in the contract flow

  1. In the Salesforce org, select Conga Contract Management.
  2. Create an agreement for asset swap.

    The new agreement is not related to the agreement that was created during the new sale. CPQ does not support versioning of the original agreement.

  3. Click Configure Products and navigate to the Installed Products page.
  4. Select the assets that you want to swap.
  5. Select the product from Available Products section.
  6. Click Purchase.
    The Confirm Installed Products Swap page or the Confirm Swap pop-up is displayed.
  7. From the Effective End Date lookup, select the date from when you want the swap to be effective, and click Calculate.

    The current asset will end on the effective end date you selected and swapped asset will start from the next day. If the Start Date of the swapped asset is a future date, a validation message is displayed to enter a valid Start Date. For example, an asset A with Start Date = 1 Jan, 2017 and End Date = 31 Jan, 2017 is swapped with a product B on June 5, 2016. Instead of taking June 6, 2016, as Start Date for product B, the system shows a validation message that the End Date of product B should be after the Start Date of product A.

  8. View the Description and the Difference in the Original and the New Product.
  9. To proceed with the Swap, click Confirm. Click Back to Selection to go back to the last page.

    If you select multiple assets on the Installed Products page, the Swap button will be disabled.

  10. Click Finalize to navigate back to the agreement. CPQ creates the agreement line items.
  11. Click Generate to generate an agreement document.
  12. After the negotiations are complete with your customer, click Activate to bring the agreement in effect.

    After you activate the order for swapped asset, the status of the swapped asset changes from New to Upgraded on the account.

For more information, see Swapping an Asset.