Use Case: Same Day Cancellation
While terminating an asset, CPQ charges the customer for the period between the Start and End Date of an asset. If you have Conga Billing installed in your org, the billing impact is shown while terminating an asset. During billing, CPQ determines the refund value from the Cancellation Date captured in the asset and refunds to the customer accordingly. The refund amount differs based on the Same Day Cancellation setting. For more information on enabling this setting, see Billing System Properties.
- When the Same Day Cancellation is set to True, the asset cancellation is applicable on the same day. For example, while terminating an asset, you enter the Termination Date as 6/30/2017, the cancellation will be effective from 6/30/2017.
- If the Same Day Cancellation is set to False, the asset cancellation is applicable after a day. For example, while terminating an asset, you enter the Termination Date as 6/30/2017, the cancellation will be in effect a day later, that is 7/1/2017.
Same Day Cancellation is True
New Sale
You do a new sale of a product where:
Start Date | End Date | Selling Term | Net Price |
01/01/2017 | 12/31/2017 | 12 | 24000 |
Asset Termination
You terminate the asset on 6/30/2017:
Start Date | End Date | Selling Term | Net Price | Delta Price |
01/01/2017 | 6/30/2017 | 5.96667 | (12066.66) | (12066.66) |
Same Day Cancellation is False
New Sale_1
You do a new sale of a product where:
Start Date | End Date | Selling Term | Net Price |
01/01/2017 | 12/31/2017 | 12 | 24000 |
Asset Termination_1
You terminate the asset on 6/30/2017:
Start Date | End Date | Selling Term | Net Price | Delta Price |
01/01/2017 | 6/30/2017 | 6.00000 | (12000.00) | (12000.00) |