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Cancelling an Order

You can cancel an order after it is accepted by the customer but before it is released to fulfillment systems. When you cancel an order, the status of the order and its line items is changed to "Pending Cancellation" and a new version is created. The previous order version status is set to "Being Cancelled." When you decide to cancel an order, you must accept the cancellation of the order to change the order and its line items from "Pending Cancellation" to "Cancelled". Any order amount that was rolled up to the Order Amount on the order header is subtracted from the total.

To cancel an order

  1. Navigate to the order from the quote, agreement, account, or Orders tab. The Order Detail page is displayed.
  2. Verify that the order is in "Pending" or "In Fulfillment" status and click Cancel Order.
    A new version of the order is created with the status "Pending Cancellation." The status for the previous version is changed to "Being Cancelled."
  3. Click Accept to confirm order cancellation.
    The status of the cancelled order and its line items is changed to "Cancelled." That status of the previous version is changed to "Superseded."

To undo a cancelled order

  1. Navigate to the cancelled order.
  2. To roll back cancellation of the order, click Undo Cancel Order.
    The order is reverted to the previous version with its original status ("Pending" or "In Fulfillment"). The order amount is recalculated and displayed in the Order Amount field on the order header.