After you create a Customer Purchase Order, the status of PO and its line items changes to "Draft."
To accept a Customer PO
Navigate to the Customer Purchase Orders tab.
The Customer Purchase Order page is displayed.
Use the type ahead to filter the list of purchase orders. Click the PO
Number for the purchase order you want to view.
The Customer Purchase Order detail page is displayed.
If there are any errors or warnings in the purchase order, a warning icon is displayed along with the number of errors and warnings. Click View Details to view the list of errors and warnings.
Click Accept. The status of the CPO and its PO Items changes to Accepted.
The Accept button is only enabled when the PO is in "Draft," "In Amendment," or
"Pending Cancellation" status and at least one line item has been
Click the info () icon to view a list of warnings and errors. Click Correct Problem to take mitigating action for any errors.